{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww12300\viewh13120\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 List of liens from 1995 PDS Asteroids Review\ April 3, 1995\ \ A. All labels:\ \ 1. Remove the SFDU label. (CN)\ 2. Replace TARGET_ID with TARGET_NAME. (CN)\ 3. Any occurrences of UNIT = NONE should be removed. If the data\ is unitless, omit the UNIT keyword. (CN)\ 4. Add the following keywords if they are not already present. (CN)\ instrument_host_name (if applicable)\ instrument_name (if applicable)\ target_name = asteroid\ start_time (should agree with template)\ stop time (should agree with template)\ product_creation_time (should be reviewed date)\ \ B. All catalog templates:\ \ 1. Remove all headings which are not applicable to the dataset.\ (i.e. coordinate system, software, etc.) (CN)\ 2. Append reference objects to template. (CN)\ 3. Streamline reference objects. (CN)\ 4. Make sure the template description includes the following, where\ appropriate: (CN)\ a) Number of asteroids in the file.\ b) Number of observations represented.\ c) Where to go for additional information. Email address\ of provider (scientific) and/or supplier (formats).\ 5. Remove PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME.\ \ C. Asteroid photometric catalog:\ \ 1. Check filters against references to make sure they are\ correct and make sense. (MS)\ 2. Visually inspect all lightcurves for weirdness. (MS and SJ)\ 3. Look at minimum and maximum of each column in the data file\ and index file to make sure they make sense. (AR)\ 4. Check the references file for occurrences of "fff" , "lll" ,\ "garbage" , etc . and correct them. (SJ)\ 5. Correct the spelling of "Lecacheux" in record 8 of the reference file. (SJ)\ 6. Find out the epoch of the coordinates. (MS)\ 7. Use -999 (same format as the field) for null value. (SJ)\ 8. Document the epoch and the null value in the label. (CN)\ 9. Delete asteroid name field from index file. (CN)\ 10. Adjust label for removal of name field. (CN)\ 11. Alter the main data table to make it FITS readable. (AR)\ 12. Adjust label to reflect FITS readable data file. (CN)\ 13. Change filenames to apc.dat, apcindex.tab, apcrafs.tab,\ apcinfo.tab, and the corresponding .lbl files. (CN)\ 14. Change all references to the filenames in the various labels \ and templates to reflect the new filenames. (CN)\ 14. Fix misspelling in index.lbl, line 40. "permanent" . (CN)\ 15. COLUMNS should be 3 in binary.lbl. (CN)\ 16. Only one PRODUCER_FULL_NAME allowed in template. Cram both\ names into the one slot as in Terri's recommendation. (CN)\ 17. In info.lbl, FORMAT for last column should be "A63". (CN)\ \ D. Three-micron:\ \ 1. Larry and Ellen will provide us with a new corrected data file.\ Reflectances which are negative or larger than 9.999 will\ be fixed or removed. Observation times will be included in the\ file if possible. (LL)\ 2. Reflectances and their errors will be rounded to three decimal}