{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww11760\viewh13240\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 points and in f5.3 format if not already. (CN)\ 3. Observation times will be added to the fils if they are not already \ there. (CN)\ 4. Dates and times will be in the formats year month day hour\ minute second, delimited by spaces, not dashes. (CN)\ 5. Remove asteroid name field from table. (CN)\ 6. write a new label for the updated data table. (CN)\ 7. Give the bandpasses in the label and template descriptions. (CN)\ 8. Tell in the label and templates descriptions to what bandpass \ the data are scaled. (CN)\ 9. Add Larry Lebofsky's name and email address to the template as a contact \ person. (CN)\ 10. Correct record format in label. (CN)\ \ E. UBV:\ \ 1. Ask Tedesco to make the following changes to the data files. (CN)\ \ a) Combine data into one file, with null value = -.999.\ b) Typos corrected in provisional designations (lower case L used\ instead of 1.)\ c) Provisional designations blanked out for numbered asteroids.\ d) Leading zeros on the values.\ \ 2. Make an appropriate label for the new data table described\ above. (CN)\ 3. Make dates through which data are included consistent between\ template keywords and template and label descriptions.\ 4. In labels, use UNIT rather than UNITS and change "ASCII_INTEGER"\ to ASCII_INTEGER. (CN)\ 5. Remove UNIT keyword if there are no units. (CN)\ 6. In labels, format of ASTEROID_NUMBER should be I5, not A5. (CN)\ \ F. IMPS Sightings:\ \ 1. Mark will get software from Tedesco, find out what\ correction have been applied to the fluxes, and compare \ sightings file to diameters and albedos file for\ consistency. Dave will send occultation diameter file\ to Mark for comparison. (MS, DT)\ 2.Larry will generate a list of primary, secondary, and possibly tertiary\ data to go into each file when the sightings file is broken into two\ or three files. He can also recommend specific fields for deletion. (LL)\ 3. Mike will recommend specific fields foe deletion. The fields now\ listed for deletion are diameters, albedos, ecliptic and galactic coordinates,\ and asteroid names. Perhaps some of the more obscure fields, especially\ those whose meaning is lost, can also be deleted. (MA)\ 4. Construct two or three new data tables in place of the existing one,\ with primary data in the first file, secondary data in second file, and\ esoteric data in the third, with a maximum line line length of 132. Fields should be \ separated by blank column delimiters. (CN)\ 5.For diameters and albedos, place each sigma field immediately after the \ appropriate data field, rather than four bands of data followed by four bands\ of sigma. (CN)\ 6. Reorder records in order of asteroid catalog number. (CN)\ 7. Write labels for each of the new data tables. (CN)\ 8. Epoch of the coordinates (1950) should be specified in the label\ field description. (CN)\ 9. PREDICTED_DEC_SIGN label field description has redundant word\ "sign" which should be removed. (CN)\ 10. Label field descriptions such as "albedo in the 25 micron band" should\ be changed to "albedo derived from the 25 micron band". This applies\ to a number of fields. (CN)\ }