{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww13040\viewh12420\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 11. For any remaining fields with unknown meaning, change the *'s to\ DESCRIPTION = UNK. (CN)\ 12. NAME fields in label have both double quotes and underscores.\ Use one or the other. (CN)\ \ G. 52 Color survey:\ \ 1. Rearrange the fields to have one file with all the reflectances,\ and a second file with all the errors, merging the long and\ short wavelength files. Long line lengths are ok. Use -9.999\ as the null value, for both reflectances and errors. (CN)\ 2. Augment the description with information such as who took the data,\ where, and when. Get this information form Jeff Bell. Also include in the\ description how the reflectances were scaled. (DT)\ 2. Write labels for the two new files. (CN)\ 3. Tell what the null value is in the label and template descriptions. (CN)\ 4. Include Jeff Bell under PRODUCER_FULL_NAME. (CN)\ 5. Create a second 52waves.tab file with one wavelength per record.\ Three fields, index number (1-52), wavelength, and bandpass. (CN)\ 6. Write a label for the new 52waves.tab file. (CN)\ 7. In 52waves.lbl, change PDS_VERSION_NUMBER to PDS_VERSION_ID. (CN)\ \ H. ECAS dataset:\ \ 1. Bring all the existing ECAS datasets, including ecasband, into one dataset.\ This will include updating all the labels to PDS3, and writing a single template to \ cover the entire dataset. The data tables will not be altered. (CN)\ \ J. Radar Update:\ \ 1. NAME and UNIT fields in label use both double quotes and\ underscores. Use only one or the other. (CN)\ \ K. Pole Positions Update:\ \ 1. Correct factual error in Sai93 Ceres entry. Inform magnussen of\ the change. (CN)\ 2. Add reference to Magnussen's ACM chapter to the label and template\ descriptions, as well as the email address for the online version from\ that chapter. (CN)\ 3.Insert a visible null value to replace all blank fields in the table.\ -999 for numeric fields and a single underscore for character\ fields. (CN)\ 4. Document the null values in the label and template descriptions.(CN)\ 5. No underscores in dataset names. Change them to dashes in both\ label and template. (CN)\ 6. In the label, COLUMNS should be 21. (CN)\ 7. Update filenames in the description for REFERENCE_ID in the label.(CN)\ 8. In pole95.tab, record 61 has no decimal point in the \ B_OVER_C_MODEL field. Fix it. (CN)\ \ L. Discover update:\ \ 1. In the catalog template, there is a DATA_SET_INFORMATION which\ should be changed to DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION. (CN)\ 2. Rearrange discoverer's name to be a uniform format ( last name\ first and then initials or names). (AR)\ \ M. IMPS Diameters and Albedos Update:}