{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww13320\viewh12060\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 Liens from the 1996 Asteroid datasets review.\ \ Initials following each item indicate the person responsible for \ the lien. If no initials, Neese is responsible for it.\ \ A. SMASS\ \ 1. Find out the effective spectral resolution and add this information\ to the catalog dataset overview.\ 2. Add reference to original source describing principal component \ analysis as referenced by Xu et al.\ 3. Add additional information on the principal component analysis as\ follows : PCA was done on a resampling of a quadratic fit to the\ data. Was it the 28-point fit or the 14 point fit? What spectral\ features do the first two principal components correspond to?\ How many points were involved in polynomial fit to\ normalize data at 5500A.\ 4. Get the components of the eigenvectors of the principal component\ analysis and add to the dataset as a separate table with a label.\ 5. Add a line to the catalog dataset overview that the survey is ongoing\ and more data will be added yearly as it is published.\ \ B. SCAS \ \ 1. Round error fields to three digits to match data precision.\ 2. Add text to data description describing the importance of B-D. (BC)\ 3. Clarify that B-D is derived from scaled values, i.e. B/A - D/A. (BC)\ 4. Change text to refer to B-D as a "band difference" rather than a color.\ 5. Add a line in the label description explaining that zero was selected\ as a null value because it cannot be confused with a valid data value.\ 6. In the table, change null values from 0.000 to 0. for visual clarity.\ 7. In the catalog dataset overview, specify the number of asteroids\ included in the dataset.\ 8. Clarify the statement about the transmission being decreased when\ filters are cooled. (BC)\ \ C. Polarimetry\ 1. Separate this dataset into two separate datasets, one for the TRIAD\ data and one for the APD. write separate .cat files for the two\ datasets.\ 2. Modify the labels as needed to reflect the two separate datasets.\ \ TRIAD Polarimetry:\ \ 3. At what wavelength was the minimum polarization measured. If there is\ no one answer, say so. This information to be added to the label\ description for that field.\ \ 4. If possible, track down the source of the "Unpublished, U of A" data\ for inclusion in the dataset overview. (DRD)\ \ 5. If possible, give more information characterizing the filters in the\ label description.\ \ 6. For the quality code description, place quoted portion in quotes and\ cite the Asteroids II paper.\ \ APD polarimetry:\ \ 7. Extract references now listed in the label to a separate table with}