{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww11640\viewh11180\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 Liens from the 1998 PDS Asteroids data set review.\ March 24, 1998.\ \ A. Sawyer and Vilas Spectra. //done\ \ 1. Try again to get error bars and/or significant figures from Vilas,\ or at least a generic statement as to the level of the errors. Also\ ask her for significant figures (or error bars) in wavelength, as well\ as information on spectral resolution. Get as much of this info as \ possible from her papers, then ask for the rest. Add this info to the\ data set. If we don't get any error bars, put in a column for error bars\ and fill with null values.\ \ 2. Get as much of the above information on Sawyer's spectra as possible\ from his thesis and add it to the data set. Put in a column for error \ bars with null values. \ // No additional info on errors, resolution, etc in thesis.\ \ 3. Put solar stars in a separate file for Vilas, same as in the Sawyer\ data set. Add coordinates for the stars.\ \ 4. For the Vilas spectra, clarify the explanation of how the observations\ have been combined into the spectra. I.e. duplicate names in index file\ represent observations that were co-added, etc.\ \ 5. Get integration times from Vilas for the ones that are missing from\ the index file (and from her papers).\ \ 6. Correct small text errors and typos listed by Ted.\ \ 7. Document the story of why some Sawyer spectra are missing and\ place in the catalog file.\ \ B. Rivkin 3-micron data //done\ \ 1. Take out the last three columns from the table, which are derived from\ a model. Tell Andy that the model was not accepted for archiving but it\ could be (in the next update) if he would like to send us a justification\ for including it. // emailed Andy 4-29-98\ \ 2. Put all spectra in one file, arranged horizontally with one spectrum\ per record. Try to get all the information in one file. \ \ 3. Check what appears to be a typo in the spectrum for Frigga, where two\ entries have the same wavelength. //emailed 4-29-98. Fixed.\ \ 4. Correct the statement in the template and label about the number of\ spectra included. \ // correct .cat to reflect new data format.\ \ 5. Include asteroid number and name in the combined data table.\ \ C. Geographos Radar Data\ \ 1. Document the scaling and clipping levels of the images. Extract that\ paragraph from the paper that details how the images were scaled in the\ catalog file. Include clipping levels and saturation levels for each\ image.}