Liens and other notes from 1999 PDS Asteroids Review. Note: For the NEAR data, liens will be corrected by SDC, with help from PDS where appropriate. For the non-NEAR data sets, liens will be corrected by Carol Neese except where noted. Liens on non-NEAR data sets which are to be cleared by people other than Carol are highlighted with a *. NEAR Mathilde MSI Add the following information to the existing index. a) a flag telling whether the asteroid is present in the image b) a note to the purpose of each image (optical navigation, satellite search, etc.) c) range to target d) pixel resolution e) flag to show which images are grouped Explicitly state in the archive (in the aareadme or voldesc file) that the only instruments on for the Mathlide flyby were MSI and RS. Include in the data set catalog a short writeup detailing the imaging objectives throughout the flyby, and identifying the images containing resolved images of Mathlide. If the resolved images fall into groups suitable for mosaicing, these groups should also be identified. Expand the section of the mission catalog referring to the mathlide mission phase to include a summary of imaging objectives. The two papers in the document directory are not referenced. Add references to the published papers. Change document filename extensions to give information about the format, e.g. .word6.(This is already the case for many files.) For documents presently given only in .pdf format, provide an ascii version. The table of bandpasses should be rendered as a PDS data table with its own label, and moved to the calibration directory. Provide document labels for all documents. 0. Add to data set catalog the processing history, i.e. none. 1. Data labels should give processing history, i.e.flat field no, dark no, geometry no, etc. 2. Add to data set catalog a description of the files provided and where different kinds of information can be found. 3. Add range to target to the PDS data labels. (Should be N/A if the object is not in the field.) 4. Get from the team the speadsheet plans for image planning and include in the archive as a document. 5. For the future: The reviewers strongly urged SDC to obtain the calibration Software MSICAL and make it avaialble to users through PDS. Calibration files and the information necessary to calibrate images will need to be archived as well. Reviewers also consider it very important to archive the shape model, control net, and an image labeled with names of all named feaures, and/or a list of all named features with latitude and longitude.