Liens from PDS NEAR higher level data set review meeting. August 15, 2001. MSI level 2 =========== 1. Fix the catinfo.txt files to remove all references to MAG and substitute correct MSI references. This applies to all disks. 2. Add documentation of the nine-second timing adjustment to the mission catalog file. 3. Add a note to the data set cat informing the user that the data have not been corrected for the rectangular pixels, and giving the geometry information the users would need to correct it. 4. Confirm that the files extensions of the .gif and .lbl files on the browse directory are correct. If not, correct them. (They appeared truncated on some versions of the review data disks.) 5. Simplify the text description in the data set cat to make it less redundant. Dave Tholen will produce a marked-up copy that can be passed on to Deborah Domingue to show what is needed. 6. Create an acronym list giving the meaning of all acronyms used in the archive and include it in the document directory of all data sets for all instruments. Note: liens on "the data set cat" apply to the data set cats of all MSI level 2 data sets. MSI level 3 =========== 1. Keep the .img files as they are in the basemaps directory, and add .tif (or other appropriate lossless format) versions of the .img images to the extras or browse directory. Add a note to the aareadme file to direct users to these .tif .png, or appropriate lossless format files. (Lower priority lien, can be dropped if unforseen difficulties arise.) 2. Change text in shape model data set cat to clarify the sense of the rotation in the coordinate system.