Liens from PDS NEAR higher level data review meeting. August 15, 2001. NIS level 2 =========== 1. Clarify language in errata.txt. 2. The items in columns 3-13 of the level 2 data file lack adequate explanation accessible to the user. These columns contain information about the instrument mode, sequence, calibration, etc, in the form of integer codes. The information necessary to understand this information, i.e. the meaning of the code numbers, needs to be placed in an easily accessible place in the calib directory. This information should also be given in the column descriptions of the data label, or if this is not feasible, allow the individual column descriptions to refer the user to the specific file in the calib directory where the info can be found. 2. Place a brief description of the calibration target in the data set cat. 3. Brian Carcich will look into the possibility of breaking the NIS data file into smaller chunks. This would be as a supplement to the existing big data file, not in place of it. Index tables to the individual data files would would be required. There is a limit on the number of files per directory so the thousands of files would have to be separated into subdirectories. This is a low priority lien and if unforseen difficulties arise it will be dropped. NIS level 3 =========== 1. Look into the possibility of providing a browse directory with one or more sample spectra in image form. This is a low-priority lien which may be dropped if it becomes too difficult. 2. Put a copy of the database table on volume 2 (without the links) onto volume 1 with a reference to the existence of the linked table on volume 2. ----------------------