SBN The Small Bodies Node PDS - Central Node Home Page

2002 Comet Data Review
4 December 2002

View notes and liens from the review.

Introduction to the PDSSBN and the review process

The Small Bodies Node (SBN) is a data node of the Planetary Data System (PDS). SBN is charged with archiving data concerning comets, asteroids, and interplanetary dust. The PDS archive is a "deep archive", intended to contain sufficient documentation and ancillary data for future scientists to interpret and use the data long after the original scientists or teams are no longer available to help. It is also intended to provide useful data to researchers in a convenient way at the present time. In reviewing the data you should keep in mind these two complementary goals of preserving the data in a way useable by future generations and making the data easily accessible to current researchers.

How to review the data

The review period is Nov 4th through Dec 3rd, 2002. Please allow yourself enough time to do a thorough review of the data sets. To access and check data, SBN provides tools and READPDS IDL routines at the SBN main web site under Software Archives. A special tool set, an improved version of the READPDS IDL routines, has been provided for this comet data review. To check out the improved routines, go to the PDSBETA directory and copy its contents. For instructions about the improved routines, click here.

[Data sets are not ready for downloading (as a package) but can be individually copied (go to Data under review).]

The data are assembled in the form of a PDS standard volume. The data are found in directories labeled DATA, or by some reasonable identifier, such as spacecraft/institution/instrument mode. Data and tables are found in files with extensions .tab or .dat or .fit or .img, respectively. Each data file has a corresponding .lbl file which documents its structure and content. In addition, each data set has a "catalog" file, with extension .cat. This file contains an overview of the data set and additional information such as the update history, processing, etc. There are other catalog files that describe the volume, the mission, the instrument, and the spacecraft/institution/observatory that serves as host, and references to the relevant published papers . One looks at the first introductory file, called the aareadme, for an overview of the volume. Other files that may occur document the errata or give listings of specific directories (*info.txt). For voluminous data, a file index is created and placed in the INDEX directory; there may also be a scientific index provided. Finally, there will be available documentation including information on processing collected in the DOCUMENT directory. In special cases, additional files without PDS labels are collected in the EXTRAS directory .

For an overview of the review process and what to expect at the review itself, see the Small Bodies Node writeup on The Peer Review Process

For detailed guidlines on reviewing the data sets, see the Small Bodies Node writeup What We Need from Data Reviewers

The Review Meeting

The 2002 Comets Data Review starts on Nov 4th, and culminates in the review meeting held Wed Dec 4 at the University of Maryland (UMd). The review will be held in Rm 2316 of CSS (224) on campus. For more information on meeting logistics you can click on the link below, or you can contact Linda Diamond at (301) 405-5024 or send her an email.

The meeting will last for one full day, and lunch will be brought in. Traditionally, participants also get together for dinner after the meeting. The agenda for the meeting, including a list of the data sets reviewed, is a separate link below.

Special Topics

[Data sets are not ready for downloading (as a package) but can be linked (go to Data under review).]

Images of 19P/Borrelly

Tony Farnham assembled a set of 19P/Borrelly images to be ingested into the Small Bodies Node. We will discuss these images as well as other prospective data on Borrelly to support the Deep Space 1 analysis. Please look over the Borrelly images. The images are also linked on the Data under review page.

Other Future Data Sets

What ground-based comet data would you like to see archived in PDS? You can see what data sets are already archived at the Small Bodies Node Data Archives . Please provide your suggestions at this discussion.

For questions about the data sets, the review, or this web site, contact Ed Grayzeck

Links to further information:
