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Notes from the 2002 Comet Data Review

4 December 2002 - Morning Session


Mike A'Hearn
Tony Farnham
Anne Raugh
Ed Grayzeck
Tyler Brown
Mal Niedner
Tim Livengood
Mike DiSanti
Dave Schleicher (by telecon, 10:30a)
Lyle Huber (by telecon, 11:45am)
Steve Joy (by telecon, 2:00pm)
Ray Walker (by telecon, 2:00pm)
Joe Mafi (by telecon, 2:00pm)

9:00am Coffee and logistics by Ed

9:30am Intro and summary of expectations by Mike A. and Ed

General Topics

Data Sets

DeVico Spectral Atlas (Anita Cochran)

Borrelly Spectra (Anita Cochran)

SL9 Photometry -(Laura Woodney)

SL9 Images - (Marc Buie)

SL9 Hi/Low Dispersion Spectra (IUE MAST)

IUE Comet Data Base (Paul Feldman)

4 December 2002 - Afternoon Session

Data Sets - Continued

VEGA 1/2 MISCHA (Magda Delva)

Lowell Observatory Comet Data Base Observations and Production Rate Summaries

End Discussion