---------- TMPL_S509O40_BEM_B4_FWHM.TXT Effective Beam Sizes in the Beam Sample Image (Band 4, 20 Iterations) (I,J) = IRAF pixel coordinates; Maj & Min = FWHM axes of Gaussian fit; PosAng = position angle, East of North; Spike & Backgrnd are model inputs; number of pixels into which spike is smeared is on the order of Spike/Peak Pixel (I,J) RA Dec Maj Min PosAng RA/DecErr Peak Spike Backgrnd " " deg " " Jy/pix Jy Jy/pix 73 25 174625.1 -321705 113 102 91 8 -15 0.142 10.00 0.000 121 25 174528.3 -321706 138 113 98 14 3 0.111 10.00 0.012 169 25 174431.5 -321705 160 138 93 -15 -2 0.070 10.00 0.000 73 73 174625.0 -320505 160 107 103 13 -6 0.077 10.00 0.000 121 73 174528.3 -320506 160 121 95 10 -1 0.080 10.00 0.000 169 73 174431.6 -320505 132 96 95 -18 -20 0.120 10.00 0.039 73 121 174624.8 -315305 167 122 96 11 4 0.077 10.00 0.000 121 121 174528.3 -315306 128 115 103 2 14 0.089 10.00 0.000 169 121 174431.8 -315305 149 115 106 -7 3 0.084 10.00 0.000 73 169 174624.7 -314105 156 115 121 11 24 0.113 10.00 0.039 121 169 174528.3 -314106 161 124 78 4 -3 0.090 10.00 0.000 169 169 174431.9 -314105 105 90 175 -25 -1 0.352 10.00 0.178 73 217 174624.6 -312905 67 29 3 -36 7 0.966 10.00 0.868 121 217 174528.3 -312906 162 127 97 -3 -10 0.070 10.00 0.000 169 217 174432.0 -312905 130 113 92 0 12 0.106 10.00 0.000