. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 79859049.52 . IRAS BAND #: 4 inclination: 359.4192 . log file name: cip046a4.log elongation: 96.9351 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.4917930 .# of pixels not hit: 1509 delta: .9760416 . # of footprints: 1029 phase angle: 42.5672 . average hits/pixel: 39 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 79844002.70 79859049.52 79874913.22 ELONG: 96.8766 96.9351 96.9914 INCL: 359.3872 359.4192 359.4532 PHASE: 42.5630 42.5672 42.5710 RHO: 1.4917450 1.4917930 1.4918560 DELTA: .9750814 .9760416 .9770507 ave noise per pixel: +2.280709E-01 total ftprint flux: +1.719832E+04 ave pixels/ftprint: 369 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 2.82211 .000000E+00 00763 00000 03543 03547 .377774 02 11.1640 40558.9 07578 00000 07322 08599 .294681 03 72.6841 40922.3 07419 00017 08430 08852 .376147 04 207.669 41113.0 07302 00082 08838 08995 .505526 05 302.907 41294.2 07257 00145 09025 09132 .639540 06 333.563 41420.6 07227 00199 09144 09231 .760317 07 341.630 41491.3 07227 00288 09271 09353 .866896 08 344.714 41535.6 07246 00348 09377 09443 .959586 09 346.645 41567.5 07266 00398 09464 09515 1.03804 10 348.092 41592.0 07279 00401 09572 09601 1.10218 11 349.214 41611.0 07297 00413 09642 09652 1.15304 12 350.097 41625.9 07309 00407 09694 09694 1.19232 13 350.806 41637.5 07324 00403 09713 09713 1.22228 14 351.390 41646.5 07329 00398 09731 09731 1.24493 15 351.882 41653.4 07336 00411 09738 09738 1.26201 16 352.302 41659.0 07337 00423 09741 09741 1.27490