. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 81128442.99 . IRAS BAND #: 4 inclination: 356.9650 . log file name: cip046b4.log elongation: 92.5992 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.5037710 .# of pixels not hit: 1199 delta: 1.0641720 . # of footprints: 1481 phase angle: 42.4182 . average hits/pixel: 55 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 81087176.03 81128442.99 81155154.94 ELONG: 92.5155 92.5992 92.7308 INCL: 356.9191 356.9650 357.0374 PHASE: 42.4059 42.4182 42.4369 RHO: 1.5031370 1.5037710 1.5041640 DELTA: 1.0610650 1.0641720 1.0661900 ave noise per pixel: +1.945001E-01 total ftprint flux: +7.177209E+04 ave pixels/ftprint: 373 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 3.21326 .000000E+00 00165 00000 01368 01377 .233966 02 12.6705 80708.6 06220 00000 06847 08478 .222019 03 31.8286 81624.4 06129 00048 08321 08868 .246987 04 53.9602 82029.7 06124 00127 08825 09073 .287864 05 69.0166 82297.7 06130 00253 09169 09302 .338523 06 75.3416 82504.3 06133 00386 09368 09466 .386198 07 76.6545 82660.5 06111 00493 09484 09567 .424289 08 76.0573 82777.1 06104 00576 09573 09637 .454911 09 75.0135 82865.7 06088 00598 09648 09698 .480818 10 74.0477 82934.8 06098 00622 09720 09758 .503496 11 73.2948 82989.3 06097 00660 09797 09823 .523684 12 74.2088 83032.9 06093 00662 09855 09874 .541775 13 75.1932 83068.0 06088 00677 09908 09922 .557982 14 75.9743 83096.7 06082 00666 09966 09974 .572432 15 76.5949 83120.3 06090 00680 10011 10016 .585225 16 77.0879 83139.6 06097 00678 10036 10040 .596467 17 77.4790 83155.7 06099 00687 10047 10049 .606273 18 77.7887 83168.9 06101 00682 10051 10051 .614781