. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 81127817.00 . IRAS BAND #: 2 inclination: 357.0000 . log file name: cip046b2.log elongation: 92.6035 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.5037310 .# of pixels not hit: 954 delta: 1.0642300 . # of footprints: 7574 phase angle: 42.4181 . average hits/pixel: 57 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 81087168.11 81127817.00 81155151.85 ELONG: 92.5155 92.6035 92.7309 INCL: 356.9191 357.0000 357.0374 PHASE: 42.4059 42.4181 42.4369 RHO: 1.5031370 1.5037310 1.5041640 DELTA: 1.0610640 1.0642300 1.0661900 ave noise per pixel: +9.460988E-01 total ftprint flux: +9.027108E+05 ave pixels/ftprint: 77 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 365.200 .000000E+00 00072 00000 00827 00827 1.19693 02 745.502 761296. 05402 00000 07116 08606 1.03599 03 919.254 907244. 05495 00063 08658 09316 1.13160 04 991.984 956424. 05593 00155 09210 09602 1.49530 05 1024.97 973614. 05641 00288 09558 09805 2.17329 06 1042.28 980067. 05685 00389 09729 09914 2.97354 07 1052.96 982688. 05709 00466 09835 09968 3.64824 08 1060.47 983875. 05715 00490 09912 10013 4.08095 09 1066.19 984499. 05727 00523 09965 10048 4.29210 10 1070.71 984879. 05732 00526 10018 10081 4.36716 11 1074.33 985149. 05743 00551 10069 10115 4.37262 12 1077.22 985360. 05742 00566 10113 10145 4.34623 13 1079.53 985527. 05744 00574 10150 10173 4.30961 14 1081.35 985668. 05750 00570 10182 10195 4.27460 15 1082.78 985783. 05757 00585 10210 10218 4.24646 16 1083.90 985880. 05761 00593 10229 10233 4.22654 17 1084.77 985958. 05764 00598 10254 10257 4.21408 18 1085.44 986029. 05774 00597 10262 10263 4.20775 19 1085.95 986083. 05774 00601 10268 10268 4.20598 20 1086.34 986128. 05777 00605 10276 10276 4.20740 21 1086.63 986166. 05780 00603 10281 10281 4.21091 22 1086.84 986198. 05781 00608 10286 10286 4.21561 23 1087.00 986225. 05782 00606 10290 10290 4.22086 24 1087.11 986249. 05776 00607 10291 10291 4.22618 25 1087.18 986270. 05775 00612 10295 10295 4.23131 26 1087.23 986286. 05772 00605 10296 10296 4.23606