. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 81126818.97 . IRAS BAND #: 3 inclination: 356.9589 . log file name: cip046b3.log elongation: 92.6047 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.5037270 .# of pixels not hit: 1028 delta: 1.0640200 . # of footprints: 3618 phase angle: 42.4189 . average hits/pixel: 57 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 81087169.82 81126818.97 81155152.98 ELONG: 92.5155 92.6047 92.7309 INCL: 356.9191 356.9589 357.0374 PHASE: 42.4059 42.4189 42.4369 RHO: 1.5031370 1.5037270 1.5041640 DELTA: 1.0610650 1.0640200 1.0661900 ave noise per pixel: +2.290214E-01 total ftprint flux: +1.993479E+05 ave pixels/ftprint: 161 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 39.2631 .000000E+00 00148 00000 01522 01522 .502114 02 85.2066 163977. 05774 00000 08013 08795 .433483 03 119.219 183030. 05757 00096 09147 09382 .466247 04 139.967 192928. 05821 00237 09580 09675 .534653 05 151.261 198351. 05876 00461 09730 09790 .639861 06 221.754 201363. 05891 00621 09811 09850 .786090 07 400.142 203057. 05901 00713 09889 09916 .973523 08 627.348 204017. 05916 00779 09951 09976 1.18847 09 848.601 204564. 05920 00802 10011 10030 1.39885 10 1008.71 204875. 05921 00813 10062 10080 1.57197 11 1091.77 205046. 05921 00819 10100 10118 1.69633 12 1114.80 205137. 05912 00831 10135 10146 1.77983 13 1102.52 205180. 05912 00815 10169 10174 1.83631 14 1074.06 205197. 05909 00827 10188 10191 1.87759 15 1041.16 205198. 05913 00831 10205 10205 1.91166 16 1010.15 205193. 05920 00833 10211 10211 1.94312 17 983.922 205183. 05923 00839 10214 10214 1.97384 18 963.409 205173. 05927 00841 10217 10217 2.00377 19 948.466 205163. 05929 00840 10220 10220 2.03175 20 938.401 205154. 05931 00842 10222 10222 2.05650