. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 82059282.43 . IRAS BAND #: 2 inclination: 355.5009 . log file name: cip046c2.log elongation: 89.7620 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.5216900 .# of pixels not hit: 626 delta: 1.1389280 . # of footprints: 6904 phase angle: 41.7870 . average hits/pixel: 50 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 82021145.97 82059282.43 82101581.15 ELONG: 89.6374 89.7620 89.8748 INCL: 355.4196 355.5009 355.5366 PHASE: 41.7492 41.7870 41.8204 RHO: 1.5207880 1.5216900 1.5226590 DELTA: 1.1356650 1.1389280 1.1425200 ave noise per pixel: +9.669907E-01 total ftprint flux: +6.791634E+05 ave pixels/ftprint: 76 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 202.938 .000000E+00 00099 00000 01230 01230 1.37625 02 450.606 615836. 05555 00000 07206 08910 1.09007 03 617.065 691638. 05597 00055 08896 09642 1.06125 04 710.427 725017. 05719 00140 09628 10041 1.07400 05 763.195 739176. 05773 00256 09922 10172 1.11379 06 795.898 745444. 05846 00371 10091 10242 1.17677 07 818.490 748529. 05883 00464 10210 10315 1.25652 08 835.492 750297. 05887 00513 10289 10356 1.34129 09 848.981 751478. 05898 00510 10346 10392 1.41709 10 859.979 752363. 05900 00521 10386 10419 1.47386 11 869.058 753067. 05901 00519 10422 10446 1.50904 12 876.587 753648. 05905 00530 10447 10468 1.52624 13 882.840 754133. 05916 00542 10485 10500 1.53152 14 888.032 754541. 05924 00548 10509 10522 1.53050 15 892.342 754883. 05918 00553 10536 10543 1.52717 16 895.920 755175. 05926 00552 10559 10565 1.52386 17 898.891 755418. 05927 00555 10578 10583 1.52169 18 901.359 755627. 05929 00551 10588 10593 1.52102 19 903.410 755801. 05932 00555 10599 10600 1.52174 20 905.115 755950. 05932 00563 10609 10609 1.52359 21 906.536 756080. 05940 00566 10616 10616 1.52621 22 907.719 756187. 05942 00567 10616 10616 1.52931 23 908.706 756284. 05941 00575 10618 10618 1.53260 24 909.529 756361. 05938 00576 10622 10622 1.53589 25 910.217 756430. 05940 00578 10624 10624 1.53905