. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 83430614.42 . IRAS BAND #: 2 inclination: 353.7563 . log file name: cip046d2.log elongation: 85.8053 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.5611630 .# of pixels not hit: 773 delta: 1.2658640 . # of footprints: 7556 phase angle: 40.2282 . average hits/pixel: 57 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 83399968.90 83430614.42 83474242.62 ELONG: 85.6833 85.8053 85.8961 INCL: 353.7066 353.7563 353.7861 PHASE: 40.1704 40.2282 40.2711 RHO: 1.5600810 1.5611630 1.5626140 DELTA: 1.2627870 1.2658640 1.2702270 ave noise per pixel: +1.140634 total ftprint flux: +7.613931E+05 ave pixels/ftprint: 79 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 247.544 .000000E+00 00152 00000 01718 01718 1.40399 02 501.545 771489. 05809 00000 07076 08537 1.18381 03 640.544 830657. 05834 00055 08507 09306 1.32904 04 716.612 858161. 05886 00174 09223 09700 1.73292 05 764.872 871262. 05915 00309 09576 09891 2.35268 06 788.545 877352. 05932 00443 09805 10038 2.92118 07 799.568 880115. 05949 00500 09980 10131 3.23955 08 804.352 881302. 05980 00535 10077 10199 3.36191 09 806.181 881747. 05992 00549 10175 10261 3.39047 10 806.688 881850. 06011 00572 10243 10313 3.37300 11 806.660 881802. 06022 00567 10283 10337 3.33068 12 806.456 881699. 06026 00570 10321 10361 3.28017 13 806.228 881581. 06030 00568 10353 10386 3.23359 14 806.030 881471. 06028 00582 10374 10395 3.19666 15 805.873 881369. 06032 00575 10393 10411 3.17019 16 805.752 881289. 06034 00584 10406 10424 3.15269 17 805.656 881223. 06036 00585 10424 10439 3.14216 18 805.577 881172. 06037 00594 10445 10457 3.13674 19 805.508 881128. 06036 00598 10449 10461 3.13496 20 805.443 881097. 06037 00598 10452 10462 3.13566 21 805.381 881070. 06038 00601 10459 10468 3.13791 22 805.319 881053. 06038 00598 10467 10471 3.14099 23 805.257 881038. 06036 00594 10468 10472 3.14438 24 805.195 881027. 06036 00593 10474 10475 3.14768 25 805.134 881018. 06037 00600 10477 10477 3.15073