. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 86493157.86 . IRAS BAND #: 4 inclination: 351.5057 . log file name: cip046e4.log elongation: 76.3841 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.6957630 .# of pixels not hit: 1180 delta: 1.6243140 . # of footprints: 1548 phase angle: 35.0416 . average hits/pixel: 57 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 86442393.25 86493157.86 86522790.80 ELONG: 76.2826 76.3841 76.5562 INCL: 351.4872 351.5057 351.5250 PHASE: 34.9838 35.0416 35.1406 RHO: 1.6931110 1.6957630 1.6973250 DELTA: 1.6175800 1.6243140 1.6282840 ave noise per pixel: +1.074415E+01 total ftprint flux: +5.408507E+06 ave pixels/ftprint: 370 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 124.397 .000000E+00 00563 00000 01699 01699 14.3977 02 275.547 .620360E+07 06432 00000 05304 07780 12.0615 03 731.597 .612702E+07 06440 00062 07081 08467 12.4168 04 1451.58 .611952E+07 06472 00209 07947 08752 13.4335 05 2404.27 .611625E+07 06493 00348 08479 08977 14.9000 06 3448.93 .611640E+07 06507 00524 08736 09071 16.6732 07 4403.25 .611899E+07 06518 00649 08895 09182 18.5980 08 5152.15 .612310E+07 06518 00713 09038 09279 20.5257 09 5681.93 .612798E+07 06526 00773 09217 09398 22.3480 10 6037.91 .613297E+07 06532 00823 09419 09535 24.0032 11 6275.55 .613763E+07 06537 00835 09561 09649 25.4643 12 6438.10 .614170E+07 06537 00838 09682 09740 26.7257 13 6553.64 .614509E+07 06532 00852 09769 09811 27.7952 14 6639.01 .614781E+07 06525 00888 09847 09870 28.6891 15 6704.17 .614994E+07 06521 00899 09905 09920 29.4275 16 6755.14 .615162E+07 06522 00907 09948 09957 30.0322 17 6795.74 .615292E+07 06522 00937 09981 09989 30.5242 18 6828.56 .615395E+07 06525 00947 10005 10010 30.9229 19 6855.45 .615477E+07 06521 00953 10010 10014 31.2447 20 6877.73 .615544E+07 06519 00976 10021 10025 31.5041 21 6896.43 .615598E+07 06521 00980 10033 10037 31.7128 22 6912.30 .615644E+07 06519 00989 10037 10041 31.8805 23 6925.92 .615682E+07 06518 00997 10045 10048 32.0151 24 6937.73 .615716E+07 06519 01002 10049 10052 32.1228 25 6948.07 .615744E+07 06519 01000 10056 10059 32.2089 26 6957.21 .615770E+07 06518 00998 10059 10062 32.2774 27 6965.34 .615792E+07 06517 01007 10064 10066 32.3318 28 6972.63 .615812E+07 06518 01012 10067 10068 32.3746 29 6979.20 .615830E+07 06516 01017 10070 10070 32.4082