. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 86492211.15 . IRAS BAND #: 2 inclination: 351.5056 . log file name: cip046e2.log elongation: 76.3892 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.6957130 .# of pixels not hit: 732 delta: 1.6242460 . # of footprints: 7480 phase angle: 35.0458 . average hits/pixel: 56 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 86442395.58 86492211.15 86522787.58 ELONG: 76.2826 76.3892 76.5562 INCL: 351.4872 351.5056 351.5250 PHASE: 34.9838 35.0458 35.1406 RHO: 1.6931110 1.6957130 1.6973250 DELTA: 1.6175800 1.6242460 1.6282840 ave noise per pixel: +2.793478 total ftprint flux: +1.593706E+06 ave pixels/ftprint: 78 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 250.534 .000000E+00 00097 00000 01265 01265 3.70964 02 708.016 .155767E+07 06162 00000 06304 08390 3.21503 03 1101.67 .160029E+07 06118 00062 08004 08991 3.15584 04 1326.59 .162345E+07 06155 00199 08854 09408 3.25016 05 1433.13 .163718E+07 06194 00327 09274 09667 3.45465 06 1564.45 .164541E+07 06243 00447 09536 09815 3.75438 07 2210.77 .165063E+07 06296 00553 09743 09947 4.11776 08 2761.63 .165413E+07 06323 00601 09894 10043 4.49741 09 3264.89 .165655E+07 06353 00640 10003 10115 4.85579 10 3671.63 .165824E+07 06362 00658 10093 10184 5.17781 11 3933.18 .165941E+07 06378 00672 10174 10235 5.46198 12 4093.95 .166021E+07 06389 00690 10238 10283 5.70923 13 4193.44 .166077E+07 06390 00717 10292 10330 5.91905 14 4257.72 .166116E+07 06397 00726 10326 10358 6.09056 15 4301.87 .166142E+07 06411 00721 10366 10387 6.22472 16 4334.08 .166161E+07 06417 00732 10395 10413 6.32466 17 4358.74 .166173E+07 06420 00738 10435 10443 6.39556 18 4378.24 .166180E+07 06427 00740 10452 10458 6.44347 19 4393.99 .166184E+07 06432 00738 10471 10476 6.47429 20 4406.86 .166186E+07 06437 00736 10488 10492 6.49318 21 4417.44 .166186E+07 06438 00731 10498 10499 6.50431 22 4426.16 .166185E+07 06439 00726 10504 10504 6.51079 23 4433.38 .166183E+07 06440 00724 10508 10508 6.51482 24 4439.36 .166181E+07 06443 00722 10511 10511 6.51781 25 4444.32 .166178E+07 06441 00718 10511 10511 6.52070 26 4448.44 .166176E+07 06441 00725 10513 10513 6.52398 27 4451.86 .166173E+07 06441 00727 10513 10513 6.52791 28 4454.71 .166171E+07 06440 00728 10514 10514 6.53254 29 4457.08 .166169E+07 06441 00725 10514 10514 6.53781 30 4459.05 .166167E+07 06442 00723 10515 10515 6.54358 31 4460.70 .166165E+07 06443 00719 10516 10516 6.54976 32 4462.07 .166163E+07 06445 00718 10516 10516 6.55613 33 4463.22 .166162E+07 06444 00717 10517 10517 6.56256 34 4464.18 .166160E+07 06446 00718 10518 10518 6.56894