. comet name: Tempel 1 1983 XI utcs: 86491582.88 . IRAS BAND #: 3 inclination: 351.5059 . log file name: cip046e3.log elongation: 76.3880 . # of pixels in map: 11250 rho: 1.6956720 .# of pixels not hit: 893 delta: 1.6241450 . # of footprints: 3710 phase angle: 35.0439 . average hits/pixel: 58 MAP STATISTICS: MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UTCS: 86442397.16 86491582.88 86522788.78 ELONG: 76.2826 76.3880 76.5562 INCL: 351.4872 351.5059 351.5250 PHASE: 34.9838 35.0439 35.1406 RHO: 1.6931110 1.6956720 1.6973250 DELTA: 1.6175800 1.6241450 1.6282840 ave noise per pixel: +5.555292 total ftprint flux: +3.141112E+06 ave pixels/ftprint: 161 convergence due to i maxflux imflux noise corr flux total ave sigma 01 87.8439 .000000E+00 00763 00000 02171 02171 13.0926 02 155.997 .338718E+07 07546 00000 07999 09441 10.4285 03 262.816 .338013E+07 07557 00185 09546 10024 10.1819 04 392.617 .338211E+07 07556 00706 09993 10185 10.3910 05 540.482 .338437E+07 07566 01200 10177 10251 11.0116 06 700.718 .338643E+07 07569 01368 10254 10278 12.2565 07 867.087 .338825E+07 07584 01469 10286 10300 14.4758 08 1033.20 .338985E+07 07591 01546 10314 10324 17.8680 09 1192.91 .339126E+07 07602 01615 10326 10336 21.9753 10 1340.67 .339250E+07 07610 01653 10335 10343 25.7168 11 1471.87 .339359E+07 07617 01705 10340 10347 28.3071 12 1583.16 .339456E+07 07622 01752 10344 10349 29.7470 13 1672.55 .339540E+07 07627 01788 10347 10352 30.4291 14 1739.45 .339615E+07 07631 01825 10353 10354 30.7201 15 1784.55 .339681E+07 07633 01859 10357 10357 30.8471