Orbital elements used in processing the Tempel 1 scans: 46Tempel 1 1983 XI If UTCS less than 79056000.0 use: Time of perihelion passage = 2445525.30576 Argument of perihelion = 179.0476455 Longitude of ascending node = 68.3281726 Inclination = 10.5553177 Eccentricity = .520824522 Perihelion distance = 1.491101440 If UTCS equal to or greater than 79056000.0 use: Time of perihelion passage = 2445525.28637 Argument of perihelion = 179.0359495 Longitude of ascending node = 68.3281383 Inclination = 10.5552609 Eccentricity = .520840143 Perihelion distance = 1.491098651