PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = " Listing of index table formats and contents of the INDEX directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-05-29 END_OBJECT = TEXT END Index File Overview =================== This file contains a description of the index tables created for the IRAS archive of comet 9P/Tempel 1 images and photometry. A separate index table was created for each of the 5 data sets in this archive: - Additional Observation (AO) images used for photometry - AO photometry tables - Survey Scan (SS) images used for photometry - SS photometry tables - Dust Trail images These index tables carry information about the scientific parameters for each data file. To locate any file on this volume, use the INDEX.TAB file which identifies the path and filename, the DATA_SET_ID, and the filesize. Index File Overview =================== INDXINFO.TXT This file listing the directory contents. INDEX.TAB This file contains the metadata records from all data files on this volume. The file is an ASCII table and each record in the table ends with the carriage return and line feed characters, (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the table are fixed width. INDEX.LBL This PDS label describes the format of INDEX .TAB. AOIMG.TAB This file contains the metadata records from each Additional Observation (AO) image file. The file is an ASCII table and each record in the table ends with the carriage return and line feed characters, (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the table are fixed width. AOIMG.LBL This PDS label describes the format of AOIMG.TAB. AOPHOT.TAB This file contains the metadata records from each AO photometry file. The file is an ASCII table and each record in the table ends with the carriage return and line feed characters, (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the table are fixed width. AOPHOT.LBL This PDS label describes the format of AOPHOT.TAB. SSIMG.TAB This file contains the metadata records from each Survey Scan (SS) image file. The file is an ASCII table and each record in the table ends with the carriage return and line feed characters, (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the table are fixed width. SSIMG.LBL This PDS label describes the format of SURVEYIMG.TAB. SSPHOT.TAB This file contains the metadata records from each SS photometry file. The file is an ASCII table and each record in the table ends with the carriage return and line feed characters, (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the table are fixed width. SSPHOT.LBL This PDS label describes the format of SURVEYPHOT.TAB. TRAILIMG.TAB This file contains the metadata records from each Dust Trail image file. The file is an ASCII table and each record in the table ends with the carriage return and line feed characters, (ASCII 13 and 10 respectively). All fields in the table are fixed width. TRAILIMG.LBL This PDS label describes the format of TRAILIMG.TAB.