DSMICAS_0001 ============ o Change VOLUME_ID to something valid everywhere. It must begin with "DS1". o Check images in all data directories to attempt to determine the origin of an apparent border. (Probably this is an overscan effect.) o Provide a better explanation of what is going on in the 'far' images. Most show various areas that look like scattered light, with perhaps very faint images of the comet. The definition of "long exposure" needs to be added prominently to the documentation. o Provide range and phase angle information in the PDS Label, at least. As much positional information as can be accurately determined should be added to the PDS Labels, and the FITS headers if possible. o The quaternion in the PDS label is ambiguous. It requires more documentation and compliant keywords in the PDS label. o In the ds.cat file, define the difference between RSEN and SRSEN. o Quaternion keywords will be included in PDS labels if and only if the proposed definitions have been approved at the time we are ready to create the final labels. We will need a precise definition for the quaternions that currently appear in the FITS header. o SBN will submit keyword definitions for new position keywords as needed to contain all the geometric information desired for the labels (including ecliptic orientation, e.g.). o Once the geometry information is incorporated into the PDS labels, index tables containing this information should be extracted and included in the volume index/ directory. o In data labels: - Change EXPOSURE_DURATION unit specifier to "". - Remove TARGET_NUMBER; move the datum elsewhere if it can be defined and is worth saving. - Remove ONBOARD_FILENAME; move elsewhere if needed - Remove QUATERNION keywords, replace with local keywords if needed - Replace IMAGE_USE with IMAGE_OBSERVATION_TYPE - Remove READOUT_CLOCK - Remove MIN_COMPRESSION_RATIO - Replace all voltage and temperature keywords with the new keywords proposed by Tyler. Indicate temperature units in all cases. - Remove SUBIMAGE keywords - Remove CLIENT_DATA keywords - Remove any and all other non-PDS keywords o aareadme.txt - line 13: This sentence doesn't make any sense to me. - line 16: This list is meaningless to anyone not already intimately familiar with PDS volume requirements o errata.txt - Were these keywords actually proposed and submitted? If so, when and by whom? o voldesc.cat - THIS FILE CONTAINS SYNTAX ERRORS: line 35: two quotes - This is not a valid VOLUME_SET_ID. Note they typically end in "_XXXX". - This is not a valid VOLUME_ID. - "PROTOTYPE" is not an appropriate VERSION_ID - "CDR" is not a valid MEDIUM_TYPE. o catalog directory: - Provide a target catalog file. - insthost.cat - See comments in DSIDS_0001 list. - mission.cat - See comments in DSIDS_0001 list. o micas_ds.cat - SYNTAX ERRORS: DATA_SET_INFORMATION is missing ARCHIVE_STATUS, CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE START_TIME and STOP_TIME have no value following - There should be an author attribution in the DATA_SET_DESC text. *** Text not reviewed as it is temporary. o micas_inst.cat - The '?' in the INSTRUMENT_TYPE must be removed. - There should be an author attribution in the INSTRUMENT_DESC text. *** Text not reviewed as it is temporary. o micas_person.cat - SYNTAX ERRORS: line 16,39,63: The figurative constant for 'unknown' is "UNK", not UNKNOWN line 32: Missing open quote line 30ff: ALTERNATE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER is required but missing. - line 35: INSTITUTION_NAME should be "UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY" (existing standard value). o micas_ref.cat - Is there really no author for the Implementation Plan? o document/1micastvabs.lbl - "CCIIT/3" is not a valid encoding type (it should be something like "CLEM-JPEG-0"). What is meant by this type? - Who owns the copyright on this document? Do we have permission to republish? - Who is the author of this document? o imgtime.txt - If the IMAGE_TIME keyword really has been replaced, why is it mentioned here and in the keywords.txt file? - Who is the author of this text? - This is not an appropriate use of a TEXT object. This document should have its own document label. - line 13: "as many" should be "as much" - line 15: "Occasionally" is misspelled. - line 44: "is" should be "in". - line 46ff: I don't see the point of this. If someone is familiar with the NAIF toolkit, this is obvious; if they aren't this is completely opaque. o keywords.txt - Who proposed these keywords to whom in 1998?!? - Why does this list contain keywords that are "Not defined"?!? - This is not an appropriate use of a TEXT object. This document should have its own document label. o snip.txt - Why is this description not included in the appropriate data labels or data set description? It is not appropriate for a stand-alone file. - The text refers to file names that do not exist on this volume. o indxinfo.txt - The opening paragraph hasn't got anything to do with the index directory contents, and seems to be talking about some data directory, but certainly not any data directories on this volume. o index.lbl - VOLUME_ID is missing and required. o index.tab - The PRODUCT_ID values are truncated in some entries. - PRODUCT_ID is not left-justified. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Action Items from Telecon, 23 October 2003: *** Assignees and completions are indicated in brackets where known. *** CN Actions: o Submit and track acceptance of new keywords: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE [Done] INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT [Done] INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE [Done] INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE_POINT [Done] QUATERNION QUATERNION_TYPE QUATERNION_ORDER_TYPE Investigations: o Determine the precise meaning and use of MIN_COMPRESSION_RATIO. [Imaging] o Determine the meaning of TARGET_NUMBER and the correspondence between TARGET_NUMBER and TARGET_NAME, if any. o Determine if the READOUT_CLOCK value varies. o Determine the role of the ONBOARD_FILENAME and whether it is of longterm use. o Determine whether SUBIMAGE_X and SUBIMAGE_Y vary. o Determine whether CLIENT_DATA_1 and CLIENT_DATA_2 vary. o Locate the DS1 Implementation Plan and add to archive. [Imaging] o Determine what other documents describing the mission, spacecraft and instruments might be stored at JPL (hardcopy or electronic) with a view toward electronically publishing or re-piblishing those not readily available to the community from the literature. Questions for NAIF: o Are the clock resets included in the SPICE kernel files for this mission? o Is there enough information in the SPICE kernels to accurately determine observations angles (RA, Dec and direction of north)? o How were the UTC values currently in the labels calculated? [Done] o Do the submitted definitions for QUATERNION, QUATERNION_TYPE and QUATERNION_ORDER_TYPE require modification before ingest? Data Label modifications: o Converted IMAGE_TIME to NATIVE_START_TIME [SBN - Done] o Converted DETECTOR to DETECTOR_ID [SBN - Done] o Change IMAGE_USE to IMAGE_OBSERVATION_TYPE o Change MIN_COMPRESSION_RATIO to ENCODING_MIN_COMPRESSION_RATIO or delete, as determined to be appropriate. o Remove TARGET_NUMBER or move to NOTE, as determined to be appropriate. o Change READOUT_CLOCK to a value inside a NOTE. o Change ONBOARD_FILE_NAME to a value inside a NOTE, if it is retained. o Convert SUBIMAGE_X and SUBIMAGE_Y to a WINDOW object or NOTE, or delete, as appropriate. o Convert CLIENT_DATA_1 and CLIENT_DATA_2 to NOTE values or delete, as appropriate. o Convert the various *_TEMP keywords to the appropriate ordered lists of values for the (new) INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE and INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_POINT keywords. o Convert the *_VOLTAGE keyword(s) to the appropriate ordered lists of values for the (new) INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE and INSTRUMENT_VOLTAGE_POINT keywords. Catalog file modifications: o MISSION: Include all mission targets, whether data are present for them or not. Add a section to the MISSION_DESC text explaining that data are not available for all targets, and PDS is pursuing all scientifically significant data sets from this mission. o INSTRUMENT: Remove questionable statements; add references. o DATA_SET: Post USGS version as a supplement to review materials already posted. [SBN - Done] o DATA_SET: Combine the UMD and USGS data set catalog files into a single comprehensive file. Add information on processing history, clock resets, and the safing of calibration files. [Imaging] Additional Tasks: o Create an "Explanatory Supplement" document, to be published electronically by PDS, compiling the various detailed descriptions (time calculation, data file naming conventions, etc.) into a single source. [SBN] o Provide an explanation and description of the "snip" files (significance, content, format, etc.) for inclusion in the "Explanatory Supplement" document. [Imaging] _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________