From Fri Jan 2 14:35:37 2004 Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 12:06:42 -0500 (EST) From: Ed Grayzeck To: Subject: corrections to the comet2003 review pages ; see Anne's email; two items Stef, I attach the following two items that need correction on the web page for comets2003... ed >From Mon Dec 22 08:14:01 2003 Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 08:14:01 -0500 (EST) From: Anne Raugh To: Subject: Re: two questions for Mon; needed reproposal info > You said Monday was question day. I have two questions. For > the meeting notes you compiled for the review, I got response from > external participants to change two items. How do you want > this handled? Give it to Stephanie, give it to you? and as > an outline of the specific correction? I have one for Wed and one > for Thur? If Stephanie is going to oversee lien resolution, she might as well handle this. The individual lien lists and my meeting notes are here: /n/sbn/review/comets2003/NOTES I would suggest saving the original comments you received in a new file in that directory ("feedback" or something like that) in case we want to reference them later. Then make the specific changes requested in the ".liens" files for the data sets affected. It would be a good idea to delete and re-create the "" file afterwards, to keep it consistent (it just contains the entire directory contents). I don't think there are any web changes required for this, unless you want to indicate in the "index.html" file the specific data sets that had their lien lists updated. -Anne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stef, Here are the two items. On Wednesday notes, there should be a corrections to a point listed under SDCIDA_0001 (Scheeres): under calexmpl.pdf, the fourth item should read as foolows: Need to specify the procedure to find Hydrogen and Silver spectral peaks. There should be an addition to an item under SDNC_0001, namely, item 8 which currently reqads TB notes there are keyword issues. Change to "New keywords that need definition and ingestion into the PSDD follow: EMEJ2000_SC_QUATERNION, SATURATED_PIXEL_COUNT,SCAN_MIRROR_ANGLE, SCAN_MIRROR_RATE,SCAN_MIRROR_TEMPERATURE." Then for Thursday, there is a typo under DSIDS_0001 change the acronymn "pdw" to "pws" so it reads pws_cal_approach document. this same filename occurs in item 6 and needs to be corrected. _____________________________________________________________________ Can you follow Anne's suggestion in the attached email ed