DSIDS_0001 ========== o Change VOLUME_ID to "DS1IDS_0001" everywhere. o Change TARGET_NAME to "19P/BORRELLY 1 (1904 Y2)" everywhere. o Provide information about the eight higher channels to complement the pdw_cal_approach document. o Clarify the definition of frame number and "measurement_time", and the relationship between these two and the actual sampling time of the channels. This needs a documentation file for details and a statement in the label as a warning to users. o Label also needs a warning that high frequency profiles are wide, overlapping and not sampled sequentially. Details should go in a separate document or the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE of the data set catalog file. o Verify that the amplitudes in the PWB files we have are correct. They show substantial differences from a published paper. We know that our event times are more accurate, but it's not clear this accounts for all the difference observed. o Provide an updated calibration procedure. o In the pwd_call_approach.doc file, delete the section on the last page titled "Mdh notes on calibration process". o Contact Dave Brinza for information on the intercomparison of PEPE and IDS measurements at the time of closest approach. If there is some, include it. o voldesc.cat: - The files DS1HOST.CAT, DS1MSN.CAT are pointed to, while the actual filenames are INSTHOST.CAT & MISSION.CAT. Please resolve. - MEDIUM_TYPE = "CDR". The valid choices are: "CD-ROM", "CD-WO", "DVD-R", "DVD-ROM", "ELECTRONIC" Pick the relevant medium. - VOLUME_FORMAT = ISO-9660-2 Currently, the value is ISO-9660. Please discuss the need to create this new value. o Misspelled words in file ./aareadme.txt The word Diagnsotic is misspelled on line 10 The word Proecssing is misspelled on line 18 o ids_inst.cat: - On line 162, there is an ASCII 181 character ('mu-T' unit), designating micro-Teslas. Please change to 'micro-T' or 'micro-Teslas'. There is also an ASCII 194 character, which looks like an 'A hat'. I don't know what this is, or if it even belongs here. Please check. - The word elctrostatic is misspelled on line 41 The word extendes is misspelled on line 75 The word Redonond is misspelled on line 77 o ids_ds.cat: The word spectroometer is misspelled on line 16 The word Millenium is misspelled on line 22 o mission.cat: - Has TABs on line 244. The word minature is misspelled on line 183 I am unfamiliar with the word closesiptic ion line 194 The word Millenoum is misspelled on line 232 The word SEPpropelled is misspelled on line 265 (needs hyphen?) o document/ids_integrated_report.lbl: - DOCUMENT_FORMAT = "JPEG" --> "JPG" (extant Std Val) - ENCODING_TYPE = "CCITT/3" CCITT/3 is a compression format specifically designed for black and white images such as faxes, scanned pages, etc. Some of these figures are in color, and don't appear to be scanned. Please verify that the CCITT/3 compression format is actually used in these JPEGs. - The word highvelocity is misspelled on line 62 - The word chargeexchange may be misspelled on lines 241 475 478 1165 1178 1832 - The word massdeposition may be misspelled on line 723 - The word extendes is misspelled on line 875 - The word velocitydependent is misspelled on line 1053 - The word ofsight is misspelled on lines 1328 1539 1543 - The word thuster is misspelled on line 1515 - The word Sunviewing may be misspelled on line 1609 - The word temperaturedependent is misspelled on line 2068 - The word ionengine is misspelled on line 2084 o document/ids_integrated_report.txt: - On line 1504, there is an ASCII 176 character (degree sign). Please change to 'deg.'. - On line 2371, there is an ASCII 181 character ('mu-T' unit), designating micro-Teslas. Please change to 'micro-T' or 'micro-Teslas'. o document/backgrnd/pws_call_approach_c.lbl: - DOCUMENT_FORMAT = JPEG --> change to JPG (extant Std Val) - See comment above on ENCODING_TYPE o index.lbl: - There is a missing quote at the end of the PRODUCT_NAME line. - The first COLUMN's START_BYTES field is misspelled as START_TYPE, and it was probably intended to be 2, instead of 1. o index.tab: - The last two lines of this index table have the target "19P/Borrelly (1904 Y2)" in mixed case. Please change to U/C. - Index label files, not data files. o In all data *.lbl files: - PRODUCT_NAME = "DS1IDS: SB0 encounter data" should be all caps, since it's in a _NAME field. o In sb006.lbl: - DATA_SET_ID = "DS1-C-IDSP-3-RDR-BORRELLY-V1.0", please remove the 'P'. ^ - PRODUCT_NAME = "DS1IDSPL: SB0 encounter data" should be "DS1IDS: SB0 ENCOUNTER DATA" - Is there a reason the 'plasma' designation is included in this one file? o In psb1_01.lbl & psr1_01.lbl: - TARGET_NAME = "19P/Borrelly (1904 Y2)" --> change to uppercase correct name. o Somewhere on this volume is a single file with the wrong DATA_SET_ID: "DS1-C-IDSP-3-RDR-BORRELLY-V1.0" o aareadme.txt - line 13: What is this hyphen supposed to mean? - line 16: This list is meaningless to anyone not already intimately familiar with PDS volume requirements - line 18: "Processing" is misspelled. o voldesc.cat - Is this the right VOLUME_SET_ID? Don't they typically end in "_XXXX"? - VOLUME_VERSION_ID is incorrect - "CDR" is not a valid MEDIUM_TYPE. - DESCRIPTION grammar is not great. - The instrument host and mission catalog file names are incorrect - The syntax in the CATALOG object list is inconsistent - There is no target catalog file mentioned. - There is a syntax error on line 35 (two quotes). o There is no target catalog file present. o ids_ds.cat - This file has DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG set to "Y", but there is no DATA_SET_COLLECTION catalog file in this directory. - The text in the DATA_SET_DESC field needs to be formatted according to standards (indented, no more than 72 characters wide, etc.). - Who is the author of this description? Attribute or remove. - line 32: Missing space around (apparent) full stop. - line 45: "approximately" is misspelled. - line 46: Multiple misspellings - line 66: "the" appears to be missing before "tunable" - "Software" section should be omitted if it in not applicable. o ids_inst.cat - Who is the author of this text? Attribute or remove. - The INSTRUMENT_DESC text needs to be reformatted according the standards. - line 59: Why is the word "events" in quotes in this sentence? - line 85: The word "hardware" is misspelled. - line 104: PDS REFERENCE_KEY_IDS are not suitable substitutes for proper citations. - line 116: Why is the word "scan" in quotes? - line 121: Why is the word "burst" in quotes? - Henry, et al. (2000) is listed as a reference at the end of the text but is not included in the INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO object. o ids_ref.cat - There is a syntax error (two quotes) on line 6. o insthost.cat - This text does not even begin to follow the required format. - Who is the author of this text? Attribute or remove. - line 15: "in space" should be hyphenated. - line 41: The comma is unneccesary. - line 44: Why is the word "wings" in quotes? - line 61: The plural of "antenna" (in this sense) is "antennas". - line 73: This sentence changes tense in the middle. "Is" is incorrect. - line 82: This sentence changes tense in the middle. "Are" is incorrect. - line 85: "e.g." must always be followed by a comma. - line 110: Bad combination of tenses. "Have been" should be "had been". o mission.cat - Who is the author of this text? Attribute or remove. - line 37: "an" should be "and". - line 122: There is some sort of typo involved with the string "4of", but it's not clear what. - line 124: The term "remote agent" is enigmatic and should be explained. - line 126: Bugs aren't corrected, they're removed or fixed. - line 149: "Elongate" should be "elongated". Also "smallest solar system body targeted" by what? - line 151: There is no period at the end of this apparent sentence. Is something else missing as well? - line 166: Why is Mars suddenly mentioned here? Prior to this point there is no indication that DS1 ever looked in the direction of Mars, yet here it is mentioned casually. - line 194: What the heck is "closesiptic"? - line 203: "An" appears to be missing before the word "instrument". - line 220: The number "8" should be spelled out as "eight". - line 231ff: This paragraph changes tense in the middle. Pick one. - line 236: "5" should be "five". - line 243: Indentation is wrong here (or more blank space is needed between lines), and the numerals should be spelled out. - line 265: "SEPpropelled" should have a hyphen in it. o document/ids_integrated_report.lbl - SYNTAX ERRORS: line 46: Missing end quote - line 38: "JPEG" should be "JPG". - line 41: "CCITT/3" is not a valid encoding type. - line 60: "ADOBE-PDF-1.2" is not a valid encoding type. - Do we have copyright permission to republish this report? o document/backgrnd/pws_call_approach_c.lbl - line 24: "JPEG" should be "JPG" - line 27: "CCITT/3" is not a valid ENCODING_TYPE. - Do we have copyright permission to republish this paper? o psb1_01.lbl - START_TIME and STOP_TIME end in 'Z'. This is almost certainly wrong. - The DESCRIPTION of the first column is empty. The column needs describing. - What kind of unit is "(rms)"? - The abbreviation for Hertz is incorrect wherever it appears. - Frequency and bandwidth for each column should be given as the value of the CENTER_FREQUENCY and BANDWIDTH keywords, not in a rather cryptic DESCRIPTION field. o psr1_01.lbl - START_TIME and STOP_TIME end in 'Z'. This is almost certainly wrong. - The DESCRIPTION of the first column is empty. The column needs describing. - What kind of unit is "(rms)"? - The abbreviation for decibel is incorrect wherever it appears, assuming the string is intended to mean decibel-microvolts. - The CHANNEL_13 column has a different UNIT than all the other channels. - Frequency and bandwidth for each column should be given as the value of the CENTER_FREQUENCY and BANDWIDTH keywords, not in a rather cryptic DESCRIPTION field. o pwb*.lbl - START_TIME and STOP_TIME end in 'Z'. This is almost certainly wrong. - DESCRIPTION for the TABLE object makes no sense. (The TABLE object is not a label, it is the data.) - COLUMN 1 DESCRIPTION: What's the "given frame"? - DESCRIPTION of the third column is empty. The column needs describing. - How many significant digits are there in these data? o sb*.lbl - START_TIME and STOP_TIME end in 'Z'. This is almost certainly wrong. - DESCRIPTION for the TABLE object makes no sense. (The TABLE object is not a label, it is the data.) - COLUMN 1 DESCRIPTION: What's the "given frame"? - DESCRIPTION of the third column is empty. The column needs describing. - Are there really 9 significant digits in these data? o sb006.lbl - This file has the wrong DATA_SET_ID, and uses "IDSP" rather than "IDS" everywhere. o scb1_01.lbl - START_TIME and STOP_TIME end in 'Z'. This is almost certainly wrong. - The DESCRIPTION of the first column is empty. The column needs describing. - The abbreviation for Hertz is incorrect wherever it appears. - Frequency and bandwidth for each column should be given as the value of the CENTER_FREQUENCY and BANDWIDTH keywords, not in a rather cryptic DESCRIPTION field. - This file uses a different convention for indicating the square root then the psb and psr labels. All labels in this data set should use the same convention (either Hz**-.5 or Hz**(-1/2)). o scr1_01.lbl - START_TIME and STOP_TIME end in 'Z'. This is almost certainly wrong. - The DESCRIPTION of the first column is empty. The column needs describing. - The abbreviation for decibel is incorrect wherever it appears, assuming the string is intended to mean decibel-picoTesla. - Frequency and bandwidth for each column should be given as the value of the CENTER_FREQUENCY and BANDWIDTH keywords, not in a rather cryptic DESCRIPTION field. o indxinfo.txt - This file has nothing to do with this volume. It's an IHW info.txt file. o index.lbl - THIS LABEL CONTAINS SYNTAX ERRORS: line 9: Missing closing quote line 23: "START_TYPE" should be "START_BYTE" - VOLUME_ID is not a valid VOLUME_ID. It is also not the VOLUME_ID as given in the voldesc.cat file for the volume. - The START_BYTE of the first column is incorrect - this column starts in byte 2, not byte 1. o index.tab - This file does not have CR/LF delimiters. - This file lists data files, not label files. - The PRODUCT_ID and DATA_SET_ID entry for sb006.tab is incorrect because it uses the wrong instrument abbreviated, and the values were truncated to fit the field.