Liens on 2004 Asteroid Data Sets. May 24, 2004. Carol is responsible for resolving the liens except where noted otherwise. SDSS MOC ======== 1. Include a separate file with the filter profiles. 2. Where "astorb" is mentioned in the data set, give a brief explanation and reference. (Liens pertaining to the main data table and label:) 3. Col. 13 is distance from opposition at the time of the observation. Find out what is really meant and add the information to the column description. (Some values are negative, implying pre-opposition.) 4. For columns 32 and 33, V_MAG and B_MAG, add two new columns with error values calculated from the table. 5. For col. 39, the flags, check if they are really all zeros as suspected. If so, omit this column from the table. If the fact that they are all zeros is important for the user to know, add this info to the data set cat description. If there are non-zero values, find out from Sloan what they mean and if they are useful, keep them and document their meaning in the column description. If they are not useful omit the column from the table. 6. Include central wavelengths and FWHM for the filters in the column descriptions of the sloan magnitude columns. 7. For col. 42, clarify that the predicted apparent magnitude is V. 8. Take underscores out of the provisional designations. 9. Column 1, change name from MOID to SMOC_ID, and change column description to read "Sloan moving object catalog ID". 10. Clarify that columns 2-5 are an unpacking of column 1. 11. Add J2000 to ecliptic longitude and latitude in columns 11-12. 12. In the columns mentioning psf (20, 22, etc.) clarify that psf is point spread function. Find out how the magnitude was calculated and add this information to the column descriptions. 13. Col 36, put provisional designation and name into separate columns. 14. Columns 40, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 52, and 56 use 0 as a null value, but this is a valid value for the parameter. Choose new appropriate null values for these columns. (Liens pertaining to the run list and label:) 15. Cols 6-9: These descriptions are vague. Find out from the data provider what they really are and improve the column descriptions. Whiteley NEO colors ==================== 1. Change format of the data file to have one record for each numbered asteroid. 2. Take out the citation column. 3. Add a column for names. 4. Two asteroids have no colors. Take those asteroids out of the table. 5. Supply instrument host and instrument cats. 6. Since the reference is a thesis and less accessible, add to the data set cat some description of the observations. In particlar, document how he corrected for lightcurve variations. 7. Add a reference to ECAS paper and data set. Spell out ECAS acronym. 8. Col. 6. Correct spelling of "principal". 9. Check for occurrences of misspelling of Whiteley's name. 10. Check if any of the colors are averaged colors and document that. Add the number of nights if available. If it's not in the thesis, ask Whiteley. 11. Change wording in data set description to clarify that these are new observations using the ECAS filter set. 12. Add a copy of the ECAS filter profiles to this data set. Update the label appropriately. SIMPS ===== 1. Treat SIMPS as the next version of IMPS and copy in all the supporting data from IMPS that is appropriate for SIMPS. Bring over appropriate column descriptions as well as supporting files. Run the results by Ed to make sure all descriptions are correct. 2. Add the Wisniewski et al. paper to the references list. (Liens pertaining to the diamalb file and label:) 3. Column 10, clarify that the 100 micron band was never used due to cirrus. Original description can be taken from IMPS. (Liens pertaining to the sightings file and label:) 4. Column 9, clarify that the sign applies to the whole declination. 5. Column 8 should be B1950. 6. Column 13, the angle is defined as measured from north to the cross-scan axis. First clarify that it is celestial north, second, clarify which end of the cross-scan axis is meant. Mark will find out the correct description. 7. Column w6-17, remove the B1950. 8. Column 29, change to geometric albedo derived from the 12 micron band. Likewise to the other derived albedos in this file. MIMPS ===== 1. Celestial background experiment number is referred to in column 3 of the sightings file. Refer to the appropriate figure in the paper to clarify this. Add reference to paper(s) (from the MIMPS paper) that describe the celestial background experiments by number. 2. Instrument and instrument host cats are to be written for MSX. Carol will write it if she can get the instrument paper. Anne can probably get the paper from UMa library. Failing that, Ed can ask Tom Murdoch, or Faith may also have access to the paper. (Liens pertaining to the diamalb file and label:) 2. Column 5: Find out from Ed if this information is from IMPS or SIMPS, and add that information to the column description. 3. Change ALBEDO to MIMPS_ALBEDO and the same for diameter and their errors. 4. Add units for the MIMPS_DIAM. (Liens pertaining to the sightings file and label:) 5. E_LAT and E_LON should be specified as J2000 and geocentric. 6. Column 4, JD, is the mid-time of observation. Document this in the column description. 7. Add null values for data columns that have blank values. 8. In columns 18 and 21 and in other columns, assumed albedo is stated to be 0.1. This also occurs in the diameters file. These should all be corrected to an assumed albedo of 0.01. (Liens pertaining to the filter table and label:) 9. Columns 2 and 5: Isophotal wavelength and isophotal bandwidth are well described in Cohen's paper, which is cited in the MIMPS paper. Add a reference to Cohen's paper to the column descriptions. Lowell orbital elements ======================= We will not archive this as a data set, but instead use it as a tool as part of the data mining facility. Radar Images ============ We'll have to do a subsequent review since the two reviewers were not able to review the data. Once access to the data has been assured for both reviewers, a telecon will be scheduled about three weeks later to review the data set. Satellite, Centaur, and TNO Photometry ====================================== 1. Combine the Centaur and TNO data sets into one data set called "Centaurs and TNOs" and provide a column for dynamic classification. (Liens pertaining to both the Centaur and TNO data set and the Sat data set:) 2. Johnson is not the same as Kron-Cousins. Add another column to specify whether the measurement is Johnson or Kron-Cousins. 3. Call the data sets "colors" instead of "photometry". 4. Include measurements from older papers regardless of whether they have been followed by more accurate measurements. 5. In the reference files, don't call the hyphen indicating a continuation line a "missing constant". 6. Include a column for the time of observation where known. 7. Calculate solar phase angle where possible and add a column for this parameter. (Liens pertaining to the Satellite data set:) 8. Don't zero-pad the satellite designations. 9. Put in the diameter criterion. 10. Columns 1,2, and 3 need null values. Choose null values without imbedded blanks. 11. Sat refs label says "TNO photometry" twice. Correct to satellite photometry. (Liens pertaining to the Centaurs and TNOs data set:) 12. Take out pluto. 13. There are TNOs in the Centaur list and vice versa. Use the MPC list to assign correct dynamical classification. 14. Correct the comet ids to agree with the comet data base. 15. Pholus should be 5145. 16. Nessus should be 7066. 17. Correct the misspelling of Farnham in the reference list. Asteroid Occultations ===================== 1. Extract satellites to a separate file. 2. Add a modification history to the data set cat. 3. In the star designation the column description does not agree with the actual entries (whether there is a space after HIP or not). Find out the proper convention and correct to match it. 4. Data set description should read "most", not "all" of the timings are unpublished. 5. Change diameters to axes throughout. 6. Add a generic instrument host and instrument to be provided by Anne. 7. Include the diameters file from the published literature that was included in the previous version of the data set. (Liens pertaining to the occlist table and label:) 8. Column 13, TIME_ZERO, has an unclear description. Ask for clarification to improve this description. 9. Column 18, AST_PARALLAX, determine if it is geocentric and add to description. 10. Column 28, MAJOR_AXIS_PA, determine if it is J2000 and add to description. 11. Column 30, STAR_PA, determine if it is J2000 and add to description. Add "relative to the first star". 12. Column 22. Is it the predicted magnitude? Get clarification from Herald and add to the column description. 13. Column 23. Clarify the difference between 0 and 1 FIT-Quality-code, since both are not fitted. Use "no fit" instead of "not fitted". Radar Shape Models ================== No liens. Harris Lightcurve parameters ============================ 1. Reference to Lagerkvist et al. should be added to the data set cat. 2. Change citation description to the correct value, which is given in an email from Al Harris that Mike forwarded to Carol. Radar detections ================ 1. Remove all unpublished detections from the archived file. Include the unpublished detections in a separate file that is provided as a service through SBN. Names and Discovery Circumstances ================================= 1. Designations in this file are as of MPC April 15th, with exceptions noted in the data set cat. Dave will provide the list of exceptions. Astermag ======== 1. Mention in the label that some of the absolute magnitudes tabulated are not IAU-adopted values. Don't claim in the label or data set cat that they are ALL IAU-adopted values, instead say that they are the best values known to our knowledge, mostly IAU-adopted with exceptions noted in the data set cat or in a separate file as in lien 2 below. 2. If there are more than a few exceptions, list them in separate file, otherwise list them in the data set cat. 3. Add to the data set description that users should let us know if they are aware of improved absolute magnitude values that we don't have. 4. Make sure the flag at the end of the line for non-IAU values is a separate column. Liens pertaining to multiple data sets ====================================== 1. Data sets prepared with Olaf lack DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC's. Appropriate descriptions need to be added. 2. Create appropriate citation descriptions for the data sets according to the following guidelines: A. Go to the data provider with a proposed author list, and ask them if they would like to change it. In cases where the data set has been compiled from many sources, cite as editor the person who compiled the data from the literature. B. Citation descriptions can occur on data sets and on individual products within data sets. In cases where the authors on the individual products are the same as for the data set as a whole, the individual products are not required to have citation descriptions. In cases where the data products within a data set clearly have different sources, the individual products should have different individual citation descriptions. 3. Citation desc has to have first author last name first. Subsequent authors have first name or initial first. Correct all to comply with this. 4. For reference descriptions submitted with these and future data sets, we make the arbitrary rule that we will list up to five authors. For references with more than five authors we use one author and et al. Mike will write a standards change request to this effect. end of liens.