Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:58:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Tony Farnham Subject: Typo list from review Anne, here is the list of typos and grammar problems that I found in the different data sets. Tony Typo / grammar list for the Oct 2004 data review =========================== General DI Thermovac data =========================== MISSION.CAT file: ----------------- "SHULTZ&ERNST2005" reference in text should be "SCHULTZ&ERNST2005" (it is correct in the reference_key_id) "The Impactor will observe the comet with a visual CCD (ITSVIS) until the encounter" -- "...until the impact" ? Approach phase: "During this period, the HRIIR, HRIVIS, and MRIVIS instruments will acquire data at decreasing sampling frequencies." -- should that be increasing frequency? "Throughout this phase, the nucleus is expected to unresolved by the HRIIR and MRIVIS instruments. " -- missing "be" Tempel 1 encounter: Currently, "* = shield mode" is a footnote, but it is not clear what this means -- might be clearer to state "* = shield mode starts at I+760sec, and extends to I+40 mins" (or wherever it ends) OR: add a note that shield mode is discussed in detail later Pixel scales of the instruments - need to specify meters During lookback - says the 3 instruments will continue to observe for 60 hours, but in the table, HRIVIS has n/a for everything beyond 24 hours. Need to explain why. INSTHOST.CAT ------------- "The encounter will occur at 0.9 AU from the Sun and 1.5 AU from the Earth." -- should be the other way around "At the maximum downlink rate, it 4.5 hours to empty the 309-MB memory." -- takes 4.5 hours..." =========== DITV_0001 =========== DATASET_TV1.CAT ---------------- In daily tests list, missing DOY 182 on July 1 2002 In table of modes line 2 -- should be 512x128 (not 126) ========= DITV_0002 ========= Documents: In reports directory, convert jpg files to png format? Calib files: ------------ and Both labels say the filters are centered at 650 nm with a width over 700 nm. But the tables show wavelengths 200 to 1200 nm, all at 92%+ transmission label says the filter is centered at 950 with a width of 100 nm but transmission rises at 900 and stays level through 1200 nm. ============ DITV_0003 ============ DATASET_TV3.CAT --------------- overview: "Several science team members were present at all time to assist..." -- "... at all times ..." "...obtain calibration data of the ITSVIS at for below the expected..." -- "at or below..." ========== DITV_0004 ========== Calib files: ------------ and Both labels say the filters are centered at 650 nm with a width over 700 nm. But the tables show wavelengths 200 to 1200 nm, all at 92%+ transmission label says the filter is centered at 950 with a width of 100 nm but transmission rises at 900 and stays level through 1200 nm. in documents/image_logs, have a tv2 label file ====================================================================== STARDUST DATA SETS =========== SDCIDA_0001 =========== Check that all references in file are present as references in the catalog files Index files - is there a reason why almost every entry has a format of f15.3 or f15.6? Most of the entries are unit vectors, angles and velocities, and this is overkill for those. cida_geometry.fmt -- Same issue regarding the format. ============ SDDFMI_0002 ============ AAREADME.TXT ------------ - in directory structure chart, under data, have 2 "*.LBL" entries. the second one should be "*.FMT" - since there is only one of each of these formats in the data directory, should the actual name of each file be given? INST.CAT file ------------- - Under detectors section, need DSU instead of SU in parentheses - Under subsystems - need a PDS reference for TuzzolinoEtal DATASET.CAT file ----------------- - under 'Processing' section, "striped" should be "stripped" dfmical.pdf and dfmical.asc - should capture the figures in the pdf version and convert to png? Also copy the captions for the figures to the ascii version - need to update reference to Tuzzolino paper -- change it to the 2003 reference in the REFERENCE.CAT file INDEX.LBL - need formats on each entry Errata.txt file is not necessary =========== SDNC_0003 =========== INST.CAT ---------- In optics section Need to define MTF In Scan Mirror Mechanism section Need to define DOF NEWBURNETAL reference is never cited in the text. MISSION.CAT (for all stardust data sets) General comments ------- This file is only half the size of the mission file in the Annefrank dataset. Should the two files be merged / updated so they are the same up-to-date file? Currently written in terms of future tense. Update to reflect the actual events? e.g. actual encounter date, approach distance, phase angle changes. Two ways to do this: 1) update the text to past tense rather than future tense 2) add an update section that explicitly states that the rest of the text was written before the mission and this new section gives the actual data that is relevant I don't know how accurate the targeting correction maneuver information is. If we don't know what the real corections ultimately were, then it should be made clear that the listed ones were the planned maneuvers. Actual info that differs from text: Flyby occurred on 2004-01-02T19:21:32 UTC (98.9 days after the comet's perihelion) Closest approach distance was 236.5 km Obtained 72 images during the encounter sequence (including pairs that can be used for stereo imaging) Flyby velocity was 6.1 km/s Solar phase angle ranged from 72 deg at start of sequence, dropped to minimum of 3 deg, and increased to 103 deg at end of sequence Also update the AnneFrank section: closest approach occurred on 2002-11-02T04:51:20.8 (-/+ 0.8 sec). closest approach distance was 3078.5 km (+/- 9 km) Solar phase angle during the close approach imaging sequence dropped from 130 deg to 47.2 deg. Specific comments ----------- Cruise 1 Phase section: "The Cruise 1 phase of the first part of the STARDUST mission nearly six years long, relatively low activity cruise." -- doesn't make sense. Neither the entire mission nor this cruise phase is six years long - where does that number come from? Last sentence of the Wild 2 encounter section: "Any free memory left from the encounter period will be allocated to the post-encounter imaging, until memory is full used for imaging after the primary encounter period." --- Not clear what is being said. ============== WILD2_KECK ============== I0039INST.CAT ------------- Angstrom symbol is missing wherever there is a wavelength. 81PWILD_2.CAT ------------- file named 1978a2 in other data sets -- should the same target catalog file be used for all wild 2 data? -- is this a naming convention issue? fits_param_table.lbl - airmass entry should have units entry removed ("none")