SDSP_1000 ========= - We (SBN, NAIF and CN) need to decide whether this should be V2.0 or remain V1.0. The data set catalog file should document the completeness (in terms of expected additional data deliveries or future enhancements) of the data set. - S. McLaughlin will submit a formal request to the NAIF node to add some additional keywords to one of the SPICE kernel files. Details are in Stephanie's notes. - Check phase names. errata.txt - Why have the listed errata not been corrected? catalog/ -------- - In the 'Loading Kernel Files...' section, the '(note that the logical path...)' clause is garbled. - In the 'SPK Files' section, the last 2 sentences appear to be a caution. Consider putting these 2 sentences in a new 'Caution on Using SPK Files' section. - In the 'CK Files: Spacecraft Bus CK Files' section, change 'and send down...' to 'and sent down...'. - The data set catalog file should document the subtleties of using spacecraft times vs. UTC in certain circumstances (see Stephanie's notes). Add a document giving an example if possible. - In the 'CK Files' section, make it clear that the NAVCAM CKs contain discrete data and one should use the spacecraft clock time, not the UTC, found in the PDS labels when calling SPICE routines. Per Boris, NAVCAM CKs were "generated by taking SCLK-tagged mirror angles from image headers, turning them into appropriate rotations, and packaging these rotations into a type 1 (discrete) CK, which stores these SCLK tags 'as is'. So if you start with the same SCLK as originally went into production, you get the data even if time correlation has changed. If you start with UTC which may have been done with other correlation (not the case for NAVCAM index) or was round off a bit (is the case for NAVCAM tags), you may miss CK data by just a bit ... which is enough for SPICE to complain." - Missing ABSTRACT_DESC, ARCHIVE_STATUS and CITATION_DESC - Why is STOP_TIME unknown? Is there no defined upper limit to the Stardust SPICE file time range? - This is a different file from the other Stardust volumes. Is it the latest version or an earlier one? (It does have separate MISSION_TARGET objects for each target.) data/ ----- - There is a small (0.01%) variation in one of the parameters she calculated and what appears in the labels for the NAVCAM data. Boris notes this is probably a difference in the type of light travel time corrections applied. They will double-check this offline. - Looks fine to Anne. Are there really no applicable START/STOP_TIMEs for any of these? Seems like the leap second kernel, for example, should have a STOP_TIME. - Speaking of leapseconds, has there really not been a leapsecond since 1998? data/ck ------- - The ck/sdu_nc_rec.lbl and others: SPACECRAFT_NAME: instead of this, use INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "STARDUST" PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME not currently a keyword. - The ck/sdu_sc_rec_1999_v2.lbl and others: We have previously used INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "STARDUST" and INSTRUMENT_NAME = "SPICE KERNELS" data/fk ------- - The 'Usage Notes' section states that one can compute the transformation matrix from the Navcam image frame to the J2000 frame by loading the "ideal/opnav correction" CK files and calling sxform: sxform('SDU_NC_IMAGE_OPNAV', 'J2000', ET, XFORM) or by loading the Navcam mirror "real alignment" sxform('SDU_NC_IMAGE', 'J2000', ET, XFORM) 1) Add a note that one must calculate the ephemeris time (ET) from the spacecraft clock time at the start of an image exposure (found in the data labels) for this transformation to work. Do not use use the UTC (also found in the data labels). 2) It is not clear which CK files contain "ideal/opnav correction" or "real alignment" information - Per Boris, consider adding the following mapping keywords: NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'WILD2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 1000107 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '81P/WILD 2 (1978 A2)' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 1000107 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'ANNEFRANK' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 2005535 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( '5535 ANNEFRANK' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 2005535 ) data/ik ------- - The sdu_navcam_v21.ti text includes some question marks that seem to be placeholders. The missing data should be supplied. Check the other instrument kernels, too. data/pck ------- - When the appropriate information becomes available, NAIF will "be happy" to make a PCK kernel. SBN will monitor the availability of shape models and request the PCK kernel when the models are published. data/sclk --------- sdu_sclkscet_00105.tsc - In the 'SCLKvSCET file SDFU Header' section, is the value for SPACECRAFT-ID, 29, correct? The NAIF s/c ID is -29. - What is the correct format for a s/c clock time string? In the file for the NAVCAM Wild 2 data set, the format is '0757539099:037' but the NAIF Tutorial 'Leapseconds and Spacecraft Clock Kernels' says the format is '0757539099.037' for Stardust. Using different delimiters is confusing. index/ ------ - In the index.lbl file, it would be nice to provide a brief explanation of the different precisions in the UTC field.