SOHO_0001 ========= Three principal problems with this dataset: - We don't have a clear correspondence between file names and records in various documentation and calibration tables. - There is a pervasive issue with times being undocumented and inconsistent between files and various tables. There are at least two potential reference frames involved, but never specified. - Comet astrometry is missing. Once these issues are dealt with, this dataset should come back for a full review. - How old is Kreutz? (from Tyler) - Missing AAREADME.TXT, VOLDESC.CAT, and ERRATA.TXT (if needed). - Mixed case - some directories are uppercase, some lower. - There is no consistency in time standards between, for example, the times listed in calibration files and those contained in the FITS headers. Time in general is not well-defined. The various time scales require detailed documentation, and the relationship between the time standards used in the various parts of the archive should be documented in the appropriate catalog and document files. - Per Mike, how accurate is the conversion to V (i.e. how approximate is approximate)? calib/ ------ calibinfo.txt - INcorrect file name. This should be called "calinfo.txt". calib/filter/ ------------- *.lbl - The noun form of the verb "transmit" is "transmission", NOT "transmittance". - Column 2 ("TRANSMITTANCE") needs a new name and a UNIT specifier. - SPACECRAFT_NAME is an obsolete keyword. Use INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME instead. - Missing the following required keywords: TARGET_NAME START_TIME STOP_TIME INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME - A pointer to the PNG files should be included in the label files, along with the one for the TAB files. calib/quantum_eff/ ------------------ c2_qe.lbl & C3_qe.lbl - "MSB_INTEGER" is not a valid data tye for ASCII tables - should be "ASCII_INTEGER". - Column 2 ("QUANTUM_EFFICIENCET") needs a UNIT specifier. - SPACECRAFT_NAME is an obsolete keyword. Use INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME instead. - Missing the following required keywords: TARGET_NAME START_TIME STOP_TIME INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME - A pointer to the PNG & PS files should be included in the relevant label files, along with the one for the TAB files. calib/vignetting/ ----------------- *.lbl - TARGET_NAME cannot be "UNK". It must be a real target name. - START_TIME cannot be "UNK". It may be "N/A". - STOP_TIME should not be "UNK" in this context. It may be "N/A". vign.txt - I'm not comfortable with this information being in a disposable TEXT file. It really ought to be a document. catalog/ -------- - There is a reference to an "approximate conversion" to V magnitude, but no estimate of the quality of the approximation is given. It is needed. - In the DATA_SET catalog file (under the "Data" subheading), the date range for this data is incorrect (data only cover through 2000). - A note should be added to the DATA_SET description to warn novice users that many of the comets are faint. Adding the comet position to the label and headers will go a long way to help this problem. - The DATA_SET_ID is not compliant. - DATA_SET_NAME must include the version number. - DATA_SET_TARGET object mmust be repeated for every unzique TARGET_NAME (in the same way DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION is repeated). - DATA_SET_ID = "SOHO-C-LASCO-3-RDR-V1.0" you might add -SUNGRAZER- before the V1.0 - The word occassionally is misspelled on line 107 - The word Occassionally is misspelled on line 183 - RECORD_TYPE does not belong in catalog files. - There is no attribution for the descriptive text. - RECORD_TYPE does not belong in catalog files. - The word interferomter is misspelled on line 34. - RECORD_TYPE does not belong in catalog files. - I like the "Author" subheading at the end of the descriptive information. We should consider using this convention elsewhere. - REFERENCE_KEY_ID should be "N/A" if there is no reference, not a zero-length string. - The word anomally is misspelled on line 73. - The word Investiagtors is misspelled on line 21. data/ ----- - The RA & Dec values for the comet are always zero. Why? Is it possible to add the comet positions? Is it possible to add errors? - It was not easy, or perhaps not possible to determine the pixel scale. This information should be prominently displayed in the instrument catalog file. *.lbl - The DATA_SET_ID is not compliant. - Some of these non-existent keywords have been submitted for CN approval, but I don't recognize SOLAR_NORTH_POLE_CLOCK_ANGLE. Where is the element definition file for this keyword? - How can EXPOSURE_DURATION and STOP_TIME be known but SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT isn't? - Are all those trailing zeroes on DERIVED_MINIMUM and SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL accurate and/or necessary? - "ARCSEC" should probably be "ARCSECOND". - DERIVED_MINIMUM and DERIVED_MAXIMUM may only be used when there is also a SCALING_FACTOR and/or OFFSET. Neither of these is present in the label. So what, exactly, are the DERIVED_MINIMUM/MAXIMUM supposed to be? document/ --------- - The word refered is misspelled on line 35. document/comet_pos/ ------------------- - Why are these tables not set up as data tables? - 2000_xy.txt (from the document/comet_pos subdirectory) records, as identified by the time tags, do not seem to have an obvious or consistent correspondence to the FITS files in the data directory. The relationship should be discovered and documented. This problem likely extends to similar files in this directory. It is not at all obvious that this is the case. - Typo in iau_expl.txt in "Explanation of Header". The string "S/C-X (AU) S/C-Y (AU) S/C-Y (AU)" should be "S/C-X (AU) S/C-Y (AU) S/C-Z (AU)". document/comet_pos/raw_astrometry/ ---------------------------------- - There are data in the document directory under "raw_astrom". They should be properly formatted and documented as data tables. - The RA & Dec values for the comet are always zero. Why? Is it possible to add the comet positions? Is it possible to add errors? - In the raw astrometry table, the relationship between the different time values quoted is not clear. All times should be well-defined. - It was not easy, or perhaps not possible to determine the pixel scale. This information should be prominently displayed in the instrument catalog file. - There are undefined abbreviations in the raw astrometry tables that no one could translate (e.g., "HIC" after RA and Dec). Both PS and PDF versions of one image file, but not the other. This should be consistent. - Why are these files named by SOHO serial number and not comet designation, which would allow them to be quickly matched to the relevant data? document/handbook/ ------------------ - Who owns the copyright and where's the acknowledgement? Do we have permission to republish this? - The word ObservingSequences is misspelled on line 52. - The word PublicationPolicies is misspelled on line 56. - The word accessability is misspelled on line 74. - The word esentially is misspelled on line 433. - The word succesfully is misspelled on line 438. - The word relevent is misspelled on line 461. - The word overlaping is misspelled on line 483. - The word maintaing is misspelled on line 1022. - The word diffrated is misspelled on line 1037. - The word defocussing is misspelled on line 1198. - The word contoller is misspelled on line 1329. - The word eraseable is misspelled on line 1594. - The word turbulance is misspelled on line 1792. - The word exercize is misspelled on line 1801. - The word timeporal is misspelled on line 1820. - The word magneteograms is misspelled on line 1890. - The word acqired is misspelled on line 1900. - The word reformated is misspelled on line 1923. - The word consorium is misspelled on line 2327. - The word accessable is misspelled on lines 2400 2406. document/occulter_center/ ------------------------- - XV cannot display these PNG files. Are they standard? Can anyone display them? document/spacecraft_info/ ------------------------- - We do have permission to republish this stuff, don't we? document/sun_position/ ---------------------- - These file names have mixed case. - XV cannot display these PNG files. - Do we have permission to republish the text? - Why is the SC_body_axis_avg_roll.txt file not a data table? document/telemetry_stats/ ------------------------- - Is the list in tm_stat.txt necessary? Wouldn't it just be easier to note the half dozen months in the total range that DON'T have plots? - XV could not display these PNG files. - The word documention is misspelled on line 21.