University of Maryland, College Park

14-15 October 2004


Last update: 14 October 2004, SAM, Swapped SDSP_1000 and SDDS_0001 (Oct. 15)

Telecon instructions and a cast of characters follow.

Thursday, 14 October, 10:00am-4:00pm EST

ID Data Set Lead Reviewer/Backup Start Time (EDT)
DITV_0001 Deep Impact Thermal-Vac test 1 Weaver/Cochran 10:00am
DITV_0002 Deep Impact Thermal-Vac test 2 Weaver/Cochran 10:30am
DITV_0003 Deep Impact Thermal-Vac test 3 Weaver/Cochran 11:00am
Lunch 11:30am
DITV_0004 Deep Impact Thermal-Vac test 4 Weaver/Cochran 1:00pm
SOHO SOHO images of Sun-grazing comets Müller/Weaver 1:30pm
WILD2_KECK Keck images of 81P/Wild 2 Müller/Rabinowitz 2:30pm


Friday, 15 October, 8:30am-4pm EST

ID Data Set Lead Reviewer/Backup Start Time (EDT)
SDCIDA_0001 Stardust CIDA data from the 81P/Wild 2 encounter Fomenkova/Rabinowitz 8:45am
SDDFMI_0001 Stardust DFMI data from the 81P/Wild 2 encounter Liou/Müller 9:30am
Break 10:30am
SDNC_0003 Stardust NAVCAM 81P/Wild 2 data Cochran/Rabinowitz 10:45am
WILD2_SHAPE 81P/Wild 2 shape model derived from Stardust NAVCAM images Rabinowitz/Cochran 11:30am
Lunch 12:00pm
SDDS_0001 Stardust dynamic science data Rabinowitz/Liou 1:30pm
SDSP_1000 Stardust SPICE kernels A'Hearn/McLaughlin 2:00pm

Telecon instructions

A teleconference line will be available in the conference room, from 10am - 5pm EDT on Thursday, 14 October 2004, and from 8:30am - 6:30pm EDT on Friday, 15 October 2004. Here are instructions for dialing in:


External Reviewers

Mission Reps - Stardust

Mission Reps - Deep Space 1

PDS - Nonlocal

PDS - Local