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Welcome to the PDSSBN 2005
Asteroid Data Set Review

Review Meeting: June 16, 2005

Planetary Science Institute, Tucson AZ


Note: This review has been completed and the resulting liens are now being resolved. Here is the liens list.

How to review the data

The review period will be May 20 through June 16, 2005. Please allow yourself enough time to do a thorough review of the data sets. Follow the step-by-step Review Instructions to insure a complete review of the data. We suggest you read through these instructions at the beginning of the review period and assess how much time will be needed so you can plan accordingly.

The Review Meetings

The 2005 Asteroid Dataset Review culminates in a review meeting held on June 16, 2005 at the Planetary Science Institute (PSI). The review meeting will last for the full day, and lunch will be brought in.

PSI is located at 1700 E. Fort Lowell, a couple miles north of the University campus. However, this year the review will be held in PSI's new West Wing, at 1650 E. Fort Lowell and within easy walking distance of our main building. Be sure to print out this map (with directions) and bring it when you travel. Parking is available at both locations. For more information on how to get there and where to stay while in Tucson, you can contact Chris Holmberg, phone (520)622-6300, email .

The Data

To browse the data sets, use the links below. Links to download each of the data sets are available on the individual data pages.

Lead reviewer for each data set follows the entry in parentheses. Note that since data set updates are usually simpler to review, they have no lead reviewer.

New Data Sets:

Updates of Existing Data Sets:

Special Topics

(to be discussed at the review meeting)

Future Data Sets

What ground-based asteroid data would you like to see archived in PDS? You can see what data sets are already archived at the PDS Asteroid Data Archive . Please provide your suggestions at this discussion.

For questions about the data sets, the review, or this web site, contact Carol Neese at