reply notes by Boris Semenov, February 17, 2005; May 6, 2005 ------------------------------------ brief summary of corrections (05/06/05): -- none of the data files already in the data set was changed; -- none of the liens on the calibration example and those that seem to be related to it were addressed; these liens are are marked as "NOT RESOLVED YET" in the notes below. The volume .tar from 05/06/05 contains the old example delivered for 2004 review. -- the following templates, text docs and labels were revised to address other liens: ./CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT ./CATALOG/MISSION.CAT ./CATALOG/INTRSTEL.CAT ./CATALOG/REF.CAT ./CATALOG/DATASET.CAT ./DOCUMENT/ONLABELS.TXT ./VOLDESC.CAT SDCIDA_0001 =========== o These data are rejected for archiving because of the documentation deficiencies. It will remain in the IN_PREPARATION queue pending new documentation. SBN will continue to attempt to coax this documentation out of the PI, et al. -> WILL CHANGE: SBN and project are working with the science team to get acceptable calibration example. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o Is the CODMAC level in the DATA_SET_ID correct? Are these really raw, unedited telemetry data? -> NO CHANGE: files contain dump of telemetry data in ascii format. To me this sounds like un-edited. -> NO CHANGE o Dave R. notes that the CIDA data had nearly all the necessary spacecraft orientation information included in the data file. This was generally agreed to be useful, and should be done in future mission data sets where feasible. -> NO CHANGE: no action on this one re. the dataset itself. -> NO CHANGE o When SPICE is used to generate geometry values in labels, the DATA_SET_ID should be referenced in the data label and the specific kernels used should be identified by filename. In cases where non-archived kernels were used, the kernel files themselves should be included in the data set archive. -> NO CHANGE: SPICE kernels are listed in DATASET.CAT. I will add SPICE DS ID to the same section of the DATASET.CAT. Data file labels will not be changed. -> DONE: mentioned SPICE DS ID in DATASET.CAT o It states in the ds cat that these data are level 1 spectra, and so the DSID has a codmac 1 in it. I would think these data are codmac 2, since they aren't raw telemetry. This may be a small distinction, but let's think about it. -> NO CHANGE: see above. -> NO CHANGE aareadme.txt o Add entries for recently received CALEXMPL_EVENT.* and CALEXMPL_SPECTRUM.* files to the DOCUMENT/ directory list. -> NO CHANGE: I don't know what these files are. I have not put them on the volume. It's my understanding that we will have a single calibration document and its current version will be replaced with acceptable one. -> NO CHANGE errata.txt o Is a catalog file for "INTERSTELLAR PARTICLES" coming? -> WILL CHANGE: yes. Anne has already provided it to me (thanks!). -> DONE: INTRSTEL.CAT is included and refered to by VOLDESC.CAT and CATINFO.TXT. o The data set and instrument catalog file names are incorrect. -> WILL CHANGE: this has been fixed already. -> DONE catalog/ -------- o Missing ABSTRACT_DESC, ARCHIVE_STATUS and CITATION_DESC -> WILL CHANGE: need examples. -> DONE o There is no attribution for the DESCRIPTION text. -> WILL CHANGE: will add. -> DONE o DATA_SET_TARGET object must be repeated for each unique target. -> DISCUSS: After the first review Anne said (from http://pdssbn.astro. "This file contains two DATA_SET_TARGET objects - only one is allowed." So I made it one. Now you say there should be many. So, which one is it? -> DONE o Refers to a document containing thumbnail images which does not exist. It should be created and supplied. -> WILL CHANGE: reference will be removed. -> DONE o The DATA_SET_DESC needs to be more explicit about the amount and type of science and non-science results included in the data set, and how to quickly distinguish them (like, for example, consulting the file). -> WILL CHANGE: will add a note about this. -> DONE o The "Data Calibration" subheading in the data set description refers to a in-flight calibration example which doesn't exist. At the very least there should be a reference to a paper that shows laboratory calibration, when one is available. The processed described as "calibration" here is actually data reduction. That terminology should be changed. -> WILL CHANGE: Re. example see above. Re. "calibration" vs "reduction", this is what PI calls it. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o There is no explanation of the target signal meaning, significance, etc. -> WILL CHANGE: .. at least will try. I'll refer this to J.Kissel and J.Silen and, hopefully, will get something back. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o Be sure that the DATA_SET_NAME is in all caps. -> NO CHANGE: it is!!! -> NO CHANGE o Should mention index table for recognizing real particles. -> WILL CHANGE: will add a note. -> DONE o Need some references on how to calibrate the abundances and results from actual calibration experiments in the lab. -> DISCUSS: are we talking about cal. example or something else here? -> NOT RESOLVED YET o The "target signal" needs to be explained. -> WILL CHANGE: .. at least will try. I'll refer this to J.Kissel and J.Silen and, hopefully, will get something back. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o No explanation of what the four channels are (or how they differ - how tell positive from negative - should be redundant by description "two redundant high and two redundant low"). -> WILL CHANGE: .. at least will try. I'll refer this to J.Kissel and J.Silen and, hopefully, will get something back. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o MISSION_TARGET must be repeated for each unique TARGET_NAME. -> DISCUSS: After the first review Anne said (from "There may only be a single MISSION_TARGET object (it may be multi-valued)." So I made it one. Now you say there should be many. So, which one is it? -> DONE o The instrument description, especially with respect to the channels, is inadequate. For example, it is not at all clear that the word "redundant" is being used correctly. Also there is no explanation for the pattern of zero-valued columns that appears in encounter data but not cruise data. -> WILL CHANGE: .. at least will try. I'll refer this to J.Kissel and J.Silen and, hopefully, will get something back. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o Check that all references in file are present as references in the catalog files. -> WILL CHANGE: will check and change, if needed. -> DONE data/ ----- edfascii/*.lbl o SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT can't be "N/A" if SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT is valid. It may be the same as the START_COUNT if the observation was instantaneous, or "UNK". o Similarly, STOP_TIME cannot be "N/A" if START_TIME is valid. -> NO CHANGE: both START and STOP are there so that the same label could be used to EDFs as well as for HK. For HK both START and STOP are filled; for EDFs -- only start because the observation is instantaneous. How is it START and STOP set to the same value better that only START filled and STOP set to "N/A"? In any case, we got this data from the instrument team and I cannot see how this could be big enough reason to ask them to reprocess all files (if it is possible at this point at all.) -> NO CHANGE o The TARGET_NAME "NON SCIENCE" is not included in the mission object, nor is there a target catalog object for it. -> DISCUSS: "NON SCIENCE" is used to "tag" non-science results. It will be mentioned in DATASET.CAT and ONLABELS.TXT. Do we really need a target .CAT for it? If yes, could you give me an example? -> NO CHANGE: NON SCIENCE is in PDS DD. o Data are tables with attached labels - detached are suggested, but not required. -> NO CHANGE -> NO CHANGE cida_geometry.fmt o Is there a reason why almost every entry has a format of f15.3 or f15.6? Most of the entries are unit vectors, angles and velocities, and this is overkill for those. -> NO CHANGE: I guess Jouni Ryno who wrote s/w that made the files liked the number 15. I can ask him why but I won't ask him to redo the data. :) -> NO CHANGE document/ --------- o The revised calexmpl.pdf document contains an example of the spectrum of a dust impact event and an example of a calibrated spectrum. However, the examples are from laboratory tests and not from the Wild 2 encounter. Should examples using Wild 2 data be supplied? -> WILL CHANGE: see the very first note. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o calexmp_old.pdf is not labeled. This is the old version of the calibration document. Remove it. -> NO CHANGE: I do not have this one on my copy. -> NO CHANGE o In the "onlabels.txt" file, the description of the spacecraft clock count format is slightly different from that actually in these data files. -> WILL CHANGE: will edit onlabels.txt to match the data labels. -> DONE o The calexmpl.old file should be deleted (it's not even labeled). -> NO CHANGE: I do not have this one on my copy. -> NO CHANGE o The calexmpl.pdf file contains numerous ambiguities, incomplete descriptions, etc. A better description of the channels and what is needed for each is essential. Proof-editing to make sure that values in tables and equations are properly correlated, and references to the appropriate published papers would also help. -> WILL CHANGE: see the very first note. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o Need examples of positive and negative and need examples that show both H and Ag. -> WILL CHANGE: see the very first note. I'll refer this one to Kissel and Silen. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o Documentation is needed for all known and suspected malfunctions, glitches, resets, idiosynchracies, etc. of the instrument. If there were no such failures, the missing data (i.e., the zero-valued columns) must be explained. -> WILL CHANGE: .. at least will try. I'll refer this to J.Kissel and J.Silen and, hopefully, will get something back. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o An example of a reduction of real data (in addition to the laboratory example) is needed. -> WILL CHANGE: see the very first note. -> NOT RESOLVED YET o Split the known non-science data into a separate directory from the known and possible science data. -> NO CHANGE: TARGET_NAME can be used to sort these out. -> NO CHANGE o One has to guess what most things mean in the cal document. Please elaborate. -> WILL CHANGE: see the very first note. -> NOT RESOLVED YET Index ----- o There is no DSID in the file. -> DISCUSS: it is in the index label. Is it enough? If not, I'll add it to table. -> NO CHANGE o Is there a reason why almost every entry has a format of f15.3 or f15.6? Most of the entries are unit vectors, angles and velocities, and this is overkill for those. Also see, the note for cida_geometry.fmt. -> NO CHANGE: This is copied from data files, to which it was put s/w written by Jouni Ryno who likes the number 15. I can ask him why but I won't ask him to redo the data and won't redo the index. :) -> NO CHANGE