COMET2_NUC ========== o M. Belton has list of typos (already received). o Remove last column (rotation periods). o Get the rotation period data from Nalin Samarasinha. Ideally, these should be in this same data set (which should be maintained yearly as an edited collection of published properties). o Comet Machholz is definitely spelled incorrectly at least once. DBCP ---- Reviewers agreed this was an excellent and very useful compilation. (Note that SBN made some minor format changes to align comet name fields with the usual conventions for SBN comet data sets, and to add MISSING_CONSTANTS in fields that clearly had missing values.) o Add a MISSING_CONSTANT value for the diaphragm column in the main data table. o Diaphragm values of "0.0" should be changed to something reasonable, where possible, or to a MISSING_CONSTANT flag value where not. o Diaphragm in kilometers (column 10) should be converted to a strictly numeric column. (Add a second column to hold a second dimension where appropriate.) o The values in the offset column (column 11) should be made more uniform, if possible. For example, convert to the same units and move text descriptions into a separate column. o If possible, provide both direction and distance of offsets. o The term "degree of polarization" should be replaced with "percent polarization" in the column names and file descriptions (because it looks like percent polarization is the value actually provided). o The are linear polarizations << -1%, which seems wrong. Is this, perhaps a typographical error? If not, please add a note of explanation (in the data set description or the column description, or both). o Please add more detailed definitions of the angles mentioned - for example, in columns 14 (position angle), 18 (phase angle) and so on. o The data set description says there are 68 references included, but there are only 56 references in the reference list. o References in the data file do not always match references in the reference list in format, making it hard to search for one in the other. o In the data set description, please describe what is meant by "completeness" in this case. What criteria were used to select or exclude data from this compilation? o The data set description should give the date range as "1940 to 2005", to indicate to the user when the last update was completed. o Please provide a more explicit definition of "linear polarization" in the context of this collection, including the reference plane used to define the Stokes parameters. o Please provide a more explicit definition of "circular polarization", including how the handedness is defined. o If possible, include URLs or contact information in the reference list for those data listed as "unpublished". o Please split the main data table into two separate tables: one for published data and one for unpublished data. o Please split the filter/band column (column 8) into two separate columns: a numerical column with effective wavelength and a character column with the band name. WILD2_SHAPE ----------- o Lori has given Anne marked-up hardcopy with typos and formatting problems. o Reference RA and Dec for each model needs to be included everywhere the model dimensions are mentioned (catalog files, labels and documentation). o There is a REFERENCE object missing an author (this should be in the hardcopy stack). o There is a FILE_RECORDS discrepancy in one of the labels in the document directory (model_desc.lbl). o Determine and document precisely how surface longitude is defined. o Add to the data set description a brief note about what software can be used to display the data. o Investigate getting Brian Carcich to create a VRML shape model for these data. SOHO 2000 --------- o Some of the LASCO calibration files used were out of date, or will be shortly. These are now stable, but the calibration will need to be rerun. There is an IDL library (SolarSoft) available. o Add a reference to the SolarSoft IDL library with a descriptive note to the data set description. o Add a table with orbital elements and family membership (if that makes sense) for the comets. o Consider whether this should be one complete data set rather than one for each year. (This data set will require a special interface to select data by family.) o Consider adding Doug Beisecker's published photometry to this data set. o Include SOHO atrometry files. o Consider who to credit in the label and how for the people involved in discovering the comet in the image. o Consider what to do about "X" comets - uncertain detections (fewer than five reasonably accurate positions) for which only minimal coordinates are available. o Make corrections indicated in K. Battams presentation "Documentation" slides. o Separate vignetting functions for the different filters are not necessary. One full-resolution function for each band is sufficient. o Make corrections included in Lori's presentation. o Make sure positions in the astrometry table do correspond to comet positions for faint comets. o Consider adding a family subdirectory under the "data/" directory.