University of Maryland, College Park

5-6 April 2006

Agenda (final)

Last update: 30 March 2006, ACR

Telecon instructions and a cast of characters  follow.

Wednesday, 05 April, 8:30am-5:00pm EDT

Opening Remarks Mike A'Hearn 8:30am
ID Data Set Lead Reviewer/Backup Start Time (EDT)
SOHO1996 SOHO Sungrazing Comets, 1996 (update to existing data set) Battams/Feaga 8:45 am
DIHV9P_CRUISE DI/HRI-Vis Raw Cruise Data Britt/Battams 9:30 am
Break 10:15 am
DIHV9P_RAWENC DI/HRI-Vis Raw Encounter Data Britt/Battams 10:30 am
DIHV9P_ENC DI/HRI-Vis Processed Encounter Data Britt/Battams 11:15 am
DIMV9P_CRUISE DI/MRI Raw Cruise Data Britt/Dello Russo 12:00 n
Lunch 12:30 pm
DIMV9P_RAWENC DI/MRI Raw Encounter Data Britt/Dello Russo 1:45 pm
DIMV9P_ENC DI/MRI Processed Encounter Data Britt/Dello Russo 2:30pm
DIIV9P_CRUISE DI/ITS Raw Cruise Data Cochran/Joy 3:15 pm
Break 3:45 pm
DIIV9P_RAWENC DI/ITS Raw Encounter Data Cochran/Joy 4:00 pm
DIIV9P_ENC DI/ITS Processed Encounter Data Cochran/Joy 4:30 pm
Adjourn 5:00 pm

Thursday, 06 April, 8:30am-2:30pm EDT

ID Data Set Lead Reviewer/Backup Start Time (EDT)
DIHI9P_CRUISE DI/HRI-IR Raw Cruise Data Dello Russo/Cochran 8:30 am
DIHI9P_RAW_ENC DI/HRI-IR Raw Encounter Data Dello Russo/Cochran 9:15 am
DIHI9P_ENC DI/HRI-IR Processed Encounter Data Dello Russo/Cochran 10:00 am
Break 10:30 am
DISP_1000 DI SPICE Data Joy/Scheeres 10:45 am
COMET2_ROT Comet Spin States from "Comets II" Scheeres/Britt 11:15 am
Lunch 11:45 am
UH1997 UH Observations of Tempel 1, 1997 Cochran/Dello Russo 1:00 pm
UH1998 UH Observations of Tempel 1, 1998 Cochran/Dello Russo 1:30 pm
UH1999 UH Observations of Tempel 1, 1999 Cochran/Dello Russo 1:45 pm
UH2000 UH Observations of Tempel 1 Path, 2000 Cochran/Dello Russo 2:00 pm
Adjourn 2:30 pm

Telecon instructions

A teleconference line will be available in the conference room, from 8:30am EDT on the days of the review. This has been set up as a Meet-Me line through NASA HQ.

Here are instructions for dialing in (either day):

The call should then be connected directly into the conference line. While you are on the call, you may press "*6" to mute and unmute your own line, and "*0" if you require assistance from the NASA conference operator.

If you have problems calling in to the conference, please call Hiewet Tsegay at 301-405-5024 for assistance.

If you need to reach me immediately before or during the meeting, please call my cell phone: 240-475-3326.


Note that some may be present only by telecon.

External Reviewers

PDS - Nonlocal

PDS - Local