University of Maryland, College Park

27-28 November 2006

Agenda (Final)

Last update: 21 November 2006, ACR

Telecon instructions and a cast of characters  follow.

Monday, 27 November, 8:30am-4:30pm EST

Opening Remarks Mike A'Hearn 8:30am
ID Data Set Lead Reviewer/Backup Start Time (EDT)
About the International Halley Watch Restoration Effort Anne Raugh 8:40am
IHW_ASTROM IHW Astrometry, including Ancient Epehemeris Owen/Fernandez 8:45 am
IHW_IRFCURV IHW IR Net Filter Curves Sitko/Hanner 9:00 am
IHW_IRFTAB IHW IR Net Filter Set Tables
IHW_IRIMAG IHW IR Network Images Jones/Sitko 9:15 am
IHW_IRPHOT IHW IR Network Photometry Sitko/Hanner 9:30 am
IHW_IRPOL IHW IR Network Polarimetry Jones/Sitko 10:00 am
Break 10:15 am
IHW_IRSPEC IHW IR Network Spectroscopy Sitko/Hanner 10:30 am
IHW_NNSN IHW Near Nucleus Studies Net, Images Feaga/Fernandez 11:00 am
IHW_PPFLX IHW Photometry & Polarimetry Net, Photometric Fluxes Feaga/Larson 11:30 am
IHW_PPMAG IHW Photometry & Polarimetry Net, Magnitudes Larson/Feaga 12:00 pm
Lunch 12:30 pm
IHW_PPOL IHW Photometry & Polarimetry Net, Polarimetry Hanner/Jones 1:30 pm
IHW_PPSTOKE IHW Photometry & Polarimetry Net, Stokes Parameters Hanner/Jones 2:00 pm
DBCP Data Base of Comet Polarimetry Jones/Hanner 2:30 am
Break 3:00 pm
SDU_TEMPS Stardust SRC Temperature Data Wellnitz/Simpson 3:15 pm
SDU_GEOM Stardust Collector Geometry Simpson/Wellnitz 3:45 pm
Adjourn 4:30 pm

Tuesday, 28 November, 8:45am-12:30pm EDT

ID Data Set Lead Reviewer/Backup Start Time (EDT)
DIDOC_V2 Deep Impact Mission Documentation Volume Owen/Larson 8:45 am
DIHVNV_RAWCRU DI/HRI-Vis Raw Cruise Navigation Images Owen/Larson 9:00 am
DIHVNV_RAWENC DI/HRI-Vis Raw Encounter Navigation Images
DIHVNV_ENC DI/HRI-Vis Reduced Encounter Navigation Images Larson/Owen
DIMVNV_RAWCRU DI/MRI Raw Cruise Navigation Images Owen/Larson 9:30 am
DIMVNV_RAWENC DI/MRI Raw Encounter Navivation Images
DIMVNV_ENC DI/MRI Reduced Encounter Navigation Images Larson/Owen
Break 10:00 am
DIIVNV_RAWCRU DI/ITS Raw Cruise Navigation Images Owen/Larson 10:15am
DIIVNV_RAWENC DI/ITS Raw Encounter Navivation Images
DIIVNV_ENC DI/ITS Reduced Encounter Navigation Images Larson/Owen
T1_SHAPE Shape Model of Tempel 1 from Deep Impact Data Fernandez/Larson 10:45 am
DITEMP_MAPS Surface Temperature Maps of Tempel 1 from Deep Impact Data Fernandez/Jones 11:15 am
DI_RADIO DI Radio Science Data Simpson/Owen 11:45 pm
Adjourn 12:45 pm

Telecon instructions

A teleconference line with toll-free access will be available during the meeting, beginning about 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time each day. To join the telecon:

If you are the first to call in, you will hear silence until the next caller arrives. If you call in too early, the pass code will not be accepted and you will have to call back.

In case of problems, email will probably not reach me during the meeting. Best option is to call my cell phone: 240-475-3326. You will probably get voice mail (can't get a conversant signal in the conference room), but I will be notified that I have a message. Text messaging my cell phone will also work.


Note that some may be present only by telecon.

External Reviewers

PDS - Nonlocal

PDS - Local