04 December 2008 ================ Attending: --------- Richard Chen - telecon Joe Peterson - telecon Brian Carcich - telecon Mike A'Hearn Ludmilla Kolokolova Dan Britt Bobby Bus Yan Fernandez Bill Reach Gennady Milikh David Nesvorny Mike Belton Lori Feaga Anita Cochran Tony Farnham Notes: o Richard Chen sent email with notes from test catalog ingest. These have been copied into the NOTES/chen_lien.txt file. The catalog files referenced are also copied in that directory. SBN Notes ========= o Mike B. has regular throughput problems (very slow) regularly downloading large files from the dataset.html pages. o Mike B. would prefer to see Data and Index at the top of the dataset.html. o Mike B. wants to see thumbnails in index listings. o Look into the FITS Liberator and see if we should be referencing it from our user support pages: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/fits_liberator/ General Notes ============= o In the MET2UTC file in the document directory, please zero-pad METs that would begin with zeroes. o Please add the MET equivalent of the UTC listed in the Sequence ID table in the dataset.cat descriptions. o Add a note to the dataset.cat CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE in the processed data indicating why there might sometimes be raw files that did not produce processed files. MVIC/RALPH ========== Post-Launch Raw & Processed 1 The "*_qe_times_filter.tab" files have a very coarse sampling rate, and when plotted don't seem to agree with the information in other calibration tables, especially just outside the bandpass. They should be replaced by something which ultimately agrees with the rest of the calibration tables. 2 Are these QE curves really the best available data? They don't appear to contain enough real information to be useful. Please supply useful data. 3 Are the filter tables correct? 4 If reasonable, combine the filter, QE and product tables into a single table for each array. 5 The methane filter table seems to be listed in descending wavelength instead of ascending wavelength as in the other files. Check if this is just a sorting problem, and correct accordingly. 6 Label descriptions for "transmittance" columns do not accurately describe whether the transmittance is expressed as a percentage or fraction. This needs to be stated explicitly. 7 The abbreviations "mfr", "mcl" and "mp" need to be defined somewhere prominent - "calinfo.txt" would be a good place. Also consider adding acronym definitions to the data set catalog file description following the instrument observation designators table. 8 Consider changing the TARGET_NAME for all references to "2002 JF56" to "(132524) APL". Also add the final name to the target list in the data set catalog file. (This will have to be done by SBN after delivery). 9 Add "2002 JF56" to the sequence ID table in the dataset.cat file of the post-launch data. Jupiter Raw & Processed 1 Liens # 1-7 from Post-Launch and Check-out data apply here as well. 2 Target catalog files need to be either restored or replaced with useful information (SBN will have to do this). 3 If possible, add a table of science objectives for imaging sequences to the documentation. 4 If possible, add a BROWSE/ directory with thumbnails that link back to the full data files (as was done for Deep Impact). 5 Consider moving the TARGET_NAME in the index table closer to the left edge of the table. Alternately, supply a user index of selected columns in the INDEX/ directory. Note that the dataset.html page should also direct users to this index. SDC - All ========= 1 In the housekeeping telemetry files there are temperatures given without units. Please specify units. 2 Change day-of-year to date in trajectory file. 3 Add MET to all files that have UTC 4 The SDC On/Off file is either not sorted or contains repeated information. Please adjust as needed. 5 Need additional description of how the mass uncertainty was determined. Details can go into documentation files, but the label needs at least a short explanation in the column DESCRIPTIONs as well. (See section 13.4.1 ICD) 6 Labels here shouldn't really be talking about light reflected from the dust particles. 7 In the aareadme file, please consistently include volume references for documents listed under "Required Reading" (as is done for the Mission catalog file reference in the preceding section). NOTE: The binary FITS tables are particularly difficult for non-FITS and non-IDL users to access. Is it possible to supply a single ASCII table of the entire collection? Or binary table? Or is there some reliable software we need to point users to from the SBN web pages? 8 Labels need to include pointing information for dust detector. 9 If possible, add metric units to the instrument description.