PDSSBN DECEMBER REVIEW NOTES FROM DECEMBER 5, 2008 NH ALICE AND SWAP DATA SETS Present: Brian Carcich, Joe Peterson, Mike A'Hearn, Ludmilla Kolokolova, Bobby Bus, Andrew Steffl, Yan Fernandez, Tony Farnham, Anita Cochran, Mike Belton, Lori Feaga, Gennady Milikh, Aleksandre Taktakishvili Note taker: Lori Feaga ALICE ===== lumping Post-launch and Jupiter data sets together in discussion: Current liens on version 2 1) Add units in data label files for spacecraft target vecotrs/helio range/rate, etc., should be km, km/s, etc. 2) Add units in data label files for wavelength object (EDU #2), should be Angstroms. 3) In the documentation directory, some reproduced figures are hard to read which makes them useless. Please add a note to the labels that for better quality images see the original SSR paper. Please fix Figure 1. 4) In the instrument catalog (alice.cat) nm and Angstroms are used interchangeably, please use only one and use correct accuracy when converting from one to the other. 5) The term "time hack" is used a lot in the documention, it is defined in the SOC but was not adequate for reviewer's understanding. Please clarify "time-hack" in alice.cat. 6) Clarify the histogram and pixel list modes in alice.cat 7) There is a description in SSR and/or SOC that that several spectral pixels are zeroed out, but wavelength solution covers 1024 pixels. Add this bit of information to the alice.cat also. Lien for PDS to do: 1) Remove the extra junk at the bottom of the calinfo.txt files. This may be New Horizons wide. Liens to future NH Alice data set submission 1) Add the scientific purpose of the images to the data labels or add a logbook of observations. This will make the data more easily found, used and understood. 2) List all keywords in the fits headers and what they mean. SWAP ==== 1) Description of the instrument in the SSR paper is good, but is lacking in the instrument catalog file. In swap.cat, please add an explanation of the very high resolution of 0.1% and why the there exists a gap in the energy resolution from one range to another. 2) Update the ref.cat so that those papers now in print are no longer listed as submitted, in publication, etc. 3) The useful data summary plots need to be called out in the dataset.cat & aareadme.txt so that the user knows that they exist. No one from the review found them on their own. They are burried in a subdirectory of the document directory. 4) Similarly, mention NH_TRAJECTORY.TAB in dataset.cat & aareadme.txt. 5) If reasonable, provide a cookbook on how Heather created the data summary plots or steps on how to generally read/plot them in the documentation directory.