The PDS/SBN October 13-14 2009 Rosetta Asteroid Steins Flyby Review will take place at the College Park campus of the University of Maryland (UMCP), located north of the District of Columbia, just inside the Washington Beltway (Rte.495 & 95). The review will begin at 8:30 am, Tuesday, October 13 2009 in room 2316 of the Computer and Space Sciences Building. The review will conclude at 5:30pm, Wednesday, October 14 2009. Following are links to information about the campus, local amenities and meeting logistics.
The worst traffic comes in the 20 minutes preceeding the start of the first two classes of the day. We have set the agenda times with these class schedules in mind.
Last update: 28 August 2009, S.Narayanan