PDS/SBN EPOXI Mission Data Review

University of Maryland, College Park

September 29 2010


Last update: September 29 2010, B. Prager

Telecon instructions and a cast of characters  follow.

Wednesday, September 29 2010, 9:00am-12:40pm EST

Computer and Space Sciences Building (#224), Room 2316.

ID Data Set Lead/Backup Reviewer Start Time (EDT)
Opening Remarks 9 am
ear-c-compil-5-comet-nuc-properties-v2.0 Survey of properties of comets Michael Kelley / Jian Yang Li 9:20 am
dif-m-hriv-2-epoxi-mars-v1.0 Raw HRIV Mars images Michael Smith / Daniel Apai 9:40 am
dif-m-hriv-3/4-epoxi-mars-v1.0 Calibrated HRIV Mars images Michael Smith / Daniel Apai 10:00 am
Coffee Break 10:20 am
dif-m-mri-2-epoxi-mars-v1.0 Raw MRI Mars images Daniel Apai / Michael Smith 10:40 am
dif-m-mri-3/4-epoxi-mars-v1.0 Calibrated MRI Mars images Daniel Apai / Michael Smith 11:00 am
dif-m-hrii-2-epoxi-mars-v1.0 Raw HRII Mars spectra Kelly Fast / Michael Smith 11:20 am
dif-m-hrii-3/4-epoxi-mars-v1.0 Calibrated HRII Mars spectra Kelly Fast / Michael Smith 11:40 am
dif-x-hriv-5-epoxi-exoplanets-phot-v1.0 Exoplanet transit photometry Robert Olling / Daniel Apai 12:00 am
dif-cal-hriv-6-epoxi-stellar-psfs-v1.0 Stellar PSFs Daniel Apai / Robert Olling 12:20 am
Lunch 12:40 am

Telecon instructions

A teleconference line with toll-free access will be available during the meeting, beginning about 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. To join the telecon:

If you are the first to call in, you will hear silence until the next caller arrives. If you call in too early, the pass code will not be accepted and you will have to call back.

In case of problems, you can try to reach Anne Raugh or Michael A'Hearn by email, but your best option is to call Brian Prager (SBN) at 301-405-5024.


Note that some may be present only by telecon.

External Reviewers

PDS Small Bodies Node