compared to previous versions that I reviewed for Launch and Jupiter, the documentation and data was much improved here I discuss calibrated Cruise 1 data, but many issues should apply also to other datasets aareadme.txt, list that data are from 6/2007-1/2015, which cannot be right the first two lines in, and should not be there the header in aareadme.txt says "NH SDC JUPITER Calibrated VERSION 2.0", while this is Cruise 1 version 1. The same issue shows up in in catalog/, which also lists updates for V2.0. the header in aareadme.txt says "The NH SDC interplanetary cruise Calibrated VERSION 2.0", while this is version 1 what is the relation between CRUISE and CRUISE 1, mentioned in different parts of the documentation? If different, relation between the two should be explained It should be defined somewhere in the document what speed was used to convert charge to mass (perhaps I did not find it). The ecliptic velocity of the spacecraft is given in document/, but this table ends on 2007-01-21, and does not cover Cruise 1. text in each directory appears either above the list of subdirectories or below, which is confusing. I'd prefer to have subdirectories listed first followed by the text. The web page could say that the following text is the content of file named X. I liked content of files, and that give a brief introduction about the mission and instrument. These files can be highlighted in aareadme.txt as something that the reader can read first for a brief intro. Volume contents in aareadme.txt says that nh_trajectory.lbl is a Jupiter-relative trajectory, but this files also contains ecliptic coordinates and velocity, and if extended in time (see above), it can be quite useful for working with this archive. (Sure, the trajectory can be obtained from nh_met2utc.*, which is a conversion table between spacecraft MET and UTC should be extended in time (it goes only up to 2007-08-15) I like samples directory and its purpose. aareadme.txt or could briefly explain the difference between raw and calibrated data, just to give enough context for the user, so that one can decide which one to use (Sure, calibration is described in Horanyi et al., as mentioned in The change from keplerian to relative velocity is huge, right? I'd suggest to put warning that calibrated V1.0 data form Jupiter (and Launch) should not be used because they assume incorrect speed. Update a phrase in that says "that a new calibration curve will be submitted for publication in Spring, 2009. includes the same text twice (e.g., sections version, updates, missing in catalog/ In, the description claims that: "When a dust particle impacts on the detector, it randomly aligns some of these previously organized molecules." Is that correct? Should not it be "randomly mis-aligns"? Please check. I was able to read .fits files, and they look good.