NOTES: Liens by Rudy Frahm. Written up by Tilden Barnes (SBN). ================================================= DATASET: RO-A-RPCIES-2-AST1-V1.0 RO-A-RPCIES-2-AST2-V1.0 ================================================= Global Liens: * Text corrections for 'CATALOG/RPCIES_INST.CAT'. See 'IES_INSTCAT.pdf' for details. * The TARGET.CAT file still does not correctly associate a physical radius term assigned to the C_AXIS_RADIUS parameter, which is an input to the given flattening formula. I thought that I wrote up a RID on this last time so I went and looked it up. It seems that some editorial changes were made, but the major error was not corrected. Is this the latest updated version? If so, then I need to write this up again. If not, can you send me the latest version so that I can see if the error is still in the text.