1) Documentation (RO_MIR_IF_0001.PDF) says that software is supposed to be in the SOFTWARE directory, but the only supplied software is actually in the DOCUMENT directory. There is the following (in that PDF file): Software Directory It is intended that the software used to calibrate the data will be included in this directory for level-3 products. Currently, this software is in an early stage of development and is tied to the local database used by the processing, hence is not suitable for delivery to the archive at this time. The description of the algorithms in section fulfills this function, for now. Therefore, this directory was omitted in the current deliveries. but, that software *is* delivered, in the DOCUMENT directory. 2) That software was very hard to run sensibly; it didn't supply meaningful defaults for hardly any of the inputs, seemingly one has to know quite a bit about the data to make it return what you want. For instance, it asks you to "enter 1 if UTC field is present, 0 otherwise:". I have no idea whether the UTC field is present or not in each of the datasets, or what it means if it is or isn't. In addition, more comments in the code would be extremely useful. on the other hand, this software *was* extremely useful - it was a quick way to gain access to the data. During the steins review Amy had tried to use the readpds function of IDL to read this data and had failed - I'm not familiar with that so couldn't test it, but for me this FORTRAN program was great. 3) There is a column in the continuum data that is supposed to indicate that a calibration is occurring. From the format file for the continuum data: OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = CALMODE COLUMN_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER FORMAT = I1 START_BYTE = 60 BYTES = 2 DESCRIPTION = "0: Calibration in progress, 1: No calibration in progress" END_OBJECT = COLUMN but in the actual data, there are many entries in that column that are 256, not 0 or 1. What does 256 mean? 4) There are some discontinuities in the mm data - what are they? (see plots.) Similarly, very odd things happening with the submm data in the early pre-encounter period (and similar discontinuities). what's up with that? 5) It looks like the encounter is contained in one file only, but there are two for each receiver. For instance, for the mm Rx, MIRO_3_MM_20101910614.DAT contains the encounter. What does MIRO_3_MM_20101920345.DAT contain and why do we care (it's clear from the timestamp in the filename that it's from a later time, but not clear what it is for)? Might be in the documentation somewhere - haven't found it yet. 6) In the spectral data there are large discontinuities between the seven "bands" (see plots). I would have expected this to have been removed in level 3 data? there are also many weirdnesses in the spectral data (see movie.) 7) The method for calculating brightness temperature, the mapping from spectral channel number to sky frequency, and details on geometry are all either clearly outlined in the user manual or contained in the data release itself. This is refreshing given their lack at the time of the Steins review.