PDS/SBN Comet Data Review
University of Maryland, College Park, Physical Sciences Complex (#415), Room 1136.
Please note the change in location!
20-21 March 2014
Last update: 27 February 2014, EMW

The PDS/SBN 20-21 Mar 2014 Comet Data Review will take place at the College Park campus of the University of Maryland (UMCP), located north of the District of Columbia, just inside the Washington Beltway (Rte.495 & 95). The review will begin at 8:45am (EDT), Thu 20 March 2014 in room 1136 of the Physical Sciences Complex (#415). This is a change in the meeting location from previous reviews. The meeting room is in the new building just east of the Computer and Space Sciences (#224) building. The review will conclude at 5:15pm, Friday, 21 March 2014. Following are links to information about the campus, local amenities and meeting logistics.

- Agenda
- Local Contacts:
- Anne Raugh, CSS Room 2335, 301-405-6855
- Mike A'Hearn, CSS Room 2337B, 301-405-5024
- Ludmilla Kolokolova, CSS Room 2337D, 301-405-1539
Campus & Vicinity
- The University maintains a general on-line Visitors site.
- Here is a collection of directions for finding us, by car, shuttle, and/or foot.
- Here's a campus map. The Physical Sciences Complex (#415), is located in the northwest quadrant, at about D-3 in this map.
- A list of area hotels
- Nearby restaurants (note that, particularly for on-campus establishments, schedules may vary drastically during finals week or between semesters):
Notes for Drivers
- Rush Hour: Rush hour around the Capitol Beltway (I-495 and I-95) is well underway by 6:00am and lasts until 9:30-10am. In the area of campus it affects the outer (westbound) beltway and southbound surface roads in the morning and the inner (eastbound) beltway and northbound surface roads in the evening. Evening rush begins at about 3:30-4pm and lasts until about 7pm. The suspension of classes at the University has a small positive effect on the Beltway and a large positive effect on the surface roads running past the campus. Plan accordingly.
- Traffic Reports: Radio station WTOP (a CBS affiliate all-news station) provides traffic reports for the DC, Beltway, and Northen Virginia areas every 10 minutes starting 8 minutes past the hour, 24 hours a day. They are at 103.5FM (103.9FM in western MD) and wtop.com.
- Parking information will be provided by ???? shortly before the review meeting. The needed code and parking information will be included.
Never park at a meter without a validation code unless you are prepared to deposit a quarter immediately. Never, ever park at a meter that has a red-colored top, even with a meter permit or a fist full of change. Red-topped meters are for courier use only and require a special courier permit. Meters and handicapped parking restrictions are always enforced regardless of holidays, snow days or class schedules.
- Local Road Lingo:
- Baltimore Ave = Baltimore Blvd = Route 1. The main entrance to campus is located at about the 7600 block of Baltimore Ave.
- University Blvd = Greenbelt Road. It's called "University Blvd" west of Route 1 and "Greenbelt Rd" east of Route 1. The Stadium Drive entrance to campus is on University Blvd.
- The Washington, D.C. Beltway is a circular road comprised of routes 495 and 95. It runs around Washington, through Maryland and Virgina, crossing the Potomac River at two points. The "Outer Loop" of the Beltway is those lanes of traffic which travel counter-clockwise around D.C.; the "Inner Loop" is the lanes that travel clockwise around D.C. The Inner and Outer loops are just the two sets of travel lanes of the same road - the Beltway.
- Baltimore also has a Beltway, but its route number is 695. Traffic reports on WTOP seldom mention the Baltimore Beltway, and when they do they always identify it as "the Baltimore Beltway," frequently adding "Route 695."
- ASCII character map of the main campus entrance and the Physical Sciences Complex (#415) building.

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Last update: 7 March 2014, E. Warner