Below are the liens for the following NH LEISA data sets: NH-X-LEISA-2-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0 NH-X-LEISA-3-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0 file: 'aareadme.txt' --> "Reuter, D. C., et al., 2008 [REUTERETAL2008]" is not found in the file: 'catalog/' --> In, add a brief explanation of what constituted the Pluto encounter rehearsal and functional test observations in, for example, the differences in sequencing or commanding between these two phases. --> Add to the the same sort of statement as found in the MVIC that warns the user that the TARGET_NAME only indicates what they thought they were pointing at, but that pointing has not been checked. If it is easy to actually calculate where the named target should be in the image cube, that would be much appreciated. file: 'catalog/' --> The filter in the instrument is variously referred to as an 'etalon', a 'wedged filter'. --> Nowhere is it mentioned that the instrument is a part of the RALPH package. I realize that Leisa and MVIC are independent instruments, but the RALPH terminology does crop up at times so it would be good to say a few words about RALPH as it pertains to Liesa here. I realize RALPH is mentioned in the file, but think it would be worth it to also say something in the .cat file for Liesa and MVIC. --> typo line 24: "was was" --> line 29: The instrument Overview could usefully be expanded to a few sentences. Including the spectral range and approximate resolving power, for instance, would be good. --> line 52: The Description section states that "LEISA... (uses heat radiation)..." I think it is unnecessary and confusing to link IR wavelengths to heat radiation here. Scientists know what IR wavelengths means, and by making the link to "heat radiation" the text suggests that Leisa may be measuring the thermal emission from the surface (which it does not), whereas it is actually sensitive reflected sunlight at Pluto. I'd simply delete the parenthetical statement about heat radiation. --> line ~60: Similarly, the text talks about "fingerprints" of different molecules. Here it is better to simply refer to spectral features - this isn't information being presented to people who don't understand what a spectrum is. --> line ~56: The Description section states, incorrectly I think, that "... its etalon acts like a prism to bend different wavelengths of light by different amounts..." Etalons are interference filters that pass particular wavelengths through wile reflecting others. It might be more accurate to say something like, "...its etalon (a filter with a narrow spectral bandpass that varies linearly in one dimension) is bonded to the illuminated side of the IR detector. As a result, each row of detector pixels receives only light of a particular wavelength. Spectral maps are produced by sweeping the FOV of the instrument across a scene, sequentially sampling each point in the scene at each wavelength." --> Should mention that Leisa has high- and low-resolution sections that overlap in wavelength, but cover different total bandpasses. --> typo line 78: "hase-angle-dependent" should be missing "P" for "Phase". --> typo line 85: missing text after "&" --> typo? line 92" "Rosenberg et al., 1994" is not mentioned in a --> typo line 158: "immeadiately" --> typo line 160: "durring" files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> Labels do not include any indication of units for these data. (In fact, in the level 3 data even the extensions that hold things like wavelength and angles have no units stated!). Questions: ========= 1) Are MET and SCRMET the same? --> In nh-x-leisa-2-plutocruise-v1.0/aareadme.txt: Data Filenames and Product IDs ============================== The filenames of data files and the Product IDs of observations adhere to a common convention e.g. ALI_0123456789_0X0AB_ENG_1.FIT 0123456789 is defined as Spacecraft Receipt Mission Elapsed Time (SCRMET) --> In nh-x-leisa-2-plutocruise-v1.0/catalog/ Filename/Product IDs -------------------- The filenames and product IDs of observations adhere to a common convention e.g. ALI_0123456789_0X0AB_ENG_1.FIT 0123456789 is MET (Mission Event Time) i.e. Spacecraft Clock 2) Is compatible with --> In nh-x-leisa-2-plutocruise-v1.0/catalog/ The spacecraft was in hibernation for much of the Pluto Cruise mission phase, and the focus for RALPH (MVIC and LEISA) during Annual CheckOuts one through four (ACO1-4) was preparation for the Pluto Encounter in 2015, including functional tests, and calibrations. Science observations performed by MVIC during this phase included Uranus and Neptune at phase angles not available from Earth (MVIC), calibrations with Neptune as a navigation test target (MVIC), Sun in the SIA (MVIC and LEISA), Vega (LEISA), the M6 and M7 clusters (MVIC), and other calibrations (stray light, dark, interference with other instruments). --> --> 1. SIA not defined --> --> 2. In nh-x-leisa-2-plutocruise-v1.0/document/ I find a sequence "LEISA Stellar Calibration with Arcturus'' which is not empty. Indeed, Label of example data file: MISSION_NAME = "NEW HORIZONS" DATA_SET_ID = "NH-X-LEISA-2-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "LSB_0268046518_0X53C_ENG_1" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE" PRODUCT_TYPE = "EDR" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "PLUTO CRUISE" NEWHORIZONS:SEQUENCE_ID = " 14169:A8LE021B_02_FUNCTIONALRAWDATA" NEWHORIZONS:OBSERVATION_DESC = " LEISA STELLAR CALIBRATION WITH ARCTURUS " TARGET_NAME = "CALIBRATION" --> --> --> Why sometimes TARGET_NAME = "CALIBRATION" and others as in the case of Vega is set to TARGET_NAME = "STAR" ? --> --> --> I know that in there is a paragraph called ``Caveat about TARGET_NAME in PDS labels and observational intent''. My question is whether ARCTURUS should be listed as calibration target as Vega or not. Last updated: 2015-01-08, SBN:T.Barnes