Below are the liens for the following NH MVIC data sets: NH-X-MVIC-2-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0 NH-X-MVIC-3-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0 file: 'aareadme.txt' --> "Reuter, D. C., et al., 2008 [REUTERETAL2008]" is not found in the file: 'catalog/' --> Line 140/188: Why the reference to REX & PEPSSI but not MVIC in the following: "For those datasets where the NH project is delivering CODMAC Level 1 & 2 data (REX & PEPSSI), ENG and SCI apply to CODMAC Level 1 & 2 data, respectively." Suggest removing everything up to "ENG and SCI". The sentence is fine without the first half, right? files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> In the data labels, the second object in the file (EXTENSION_CALGEOM_IMAGE) has a DESCRIPTION that does not seem to be consistent with the actual content. (This corresponds to the first FITS extension.) --> Similarly, in the data labels the third object (second FITS extension) does not match the description in the PDS label. The data here appear to be consistent with the ICD description. --> The level 3 labels have PRODUCT_TYPE = "EDR", but this should be "RDR". --> There was some inconsistency between the raw and reduced data labels in indicating when windowing was applied. The value should be the same between the two levels for the same observation. --> --> Note: Joe P. notes that windowed data might generate inconsistencies between levels 2 and 3 if there are windowed and non-windowed versions of the observation with the same start time. --> In some labels the STOP_TIME and EXPOSURE_DURATION values change from level 2 to level 3 versions of the same observation, as well as some other info that should have been the same. Carolyn can supply some examples. --> Labels are missing units of measure; these need to be present wherever they are applicable. file: 'document/soc_inst_icd*.pdf' --> The level of calibration claimed in the MVIC ICD and file has not apparently been achieved in the actual science data. At this point the documentation should be corrected rather than changing the data. --> Please add to the ICD a description of the derivation of the various conversion factors used to convert the calibrated absolute DNs to radiance for specific bodies or classes of bodies. Last updated: 2014-12-22, SBN:T.Barnes