Below is a list of known liens: 1) Author lists for the data products will be updated as provided by Laurent (when figured out). 2) Editor list for data set level citation to be updated (as later figured out) to include perhaps Laurent Jorda and another ESA person provided by Larry O'Rourke. 3) DATA_SET_ID to be updated to be RO-C-MULTI-5-67P-SHAPE-V1.0 4) A lien resolved copy of the Cheops reference frame document replacing the one currently in the data set. Hopefully this will be provided during the data set's lien resolution, if not earlier. 5) Line 78 of the dataset catalog file describes a joint IAU/SBN review. The Cheops reference frame has been peer reviewed by an SBN review panel that included representative members of the IAU WGCCRE. They certified that the reference frame is defined in accordance with the guidelines of the IAU WGCCRE. The text here needs to be updated. Known typos: ============ file: 'document/plate_shape_definition.asc' --> line 34: “should" is written twice Last updated by: SBN:T.Barnes 2015-06-11