Attending: Chuck Acton Nat Bachman Semonov Laurent Jorda Anne Raugh (recording) Tilden Barnes Ludmilla Kolokolova Tony Farnham Maud Barthelmy Bjoern Brieger Dave Heather Randy Kirk Olivier Barnouin Richard Chen Numerous problems with Adobe Connect and phone connections made note-taking extremely difficult to any level of detail. In general, reviewers walked through thier presentations, and some isses identified that were ultimately PDS3 requriement or limitation were briefly explained but left off the liens list. The order of presentations was: 1. Olivier Barnhouin (barnouin.docx) 2. Randy Kirk (kirk.pptx) 3. Bjoern Grieger (grieger.pdf) 4. Nat Bachman (bacham.pdf) 5. Boris Semenov (semenov.pdf) 6. Tony Farnham (farnham.txt) Other comments were submitted but not discussed by Richard Chen (chen.txt) and Mike A'Hearn (ahearn.txt). Critical Liens - must be completed prior to certification: 1. There is an orientation discrepancy between the SPC and MSPCD models that needs to be resolved so that both models are consistent with the Cheops reference frame. Discussion points included: - There might be several sources of discrepancy, including things like pointing improvements in the source data for the different models and whether the SPICE data used were in the Cheops frame. - Tying either model to the Cheops frame will require some sort of reference images in which the Cheops frame orientation can be clearly identified. 2. The labels contain placeholder strings in, for example, CITATION_DESC that must be removed or replaced with valid information prior to publication and archiving. Additional Liens - must be completed prior to archiving: In documentation generally - 1. It appears that "PDS Plate Format" is exactly VRML format. If this is the case, we should NOT be giving a new name to something that already has a widely known name. (Note: SBN personnel should probably fix this.) In "plate_shape_definition.asc" - 1. Remove the term "planetocentric" 2. Customize this file with appropriate description for this particular shape model collection. (Note: SBN personnel will do this.) In "spc_model_info.asc" - 1. "with" is misspelled on line 5. 2. Use the generic term "photoclinometry" rather than "stereophotoclinometry". 3. Add appropriate subheadings throughout 4. Add Gaskell, et al. (2008) and Capanna, et al. (2013) to the list (which implies they should also be in 5. Add a description of how the models were reduced in resolution to produce the additional versions. In "resolution_images.lbl" - 1. Add some indication of direction of view (latitude and longitude, e.g.). In the index directory: 1. Remove non-data products from the file. In the file - 1. Provide a clear description of the role of the PDS archive version number vs. the version number associated with any particular shape model (SHAP2 vs V1.0, i.e.). In "aareadme.txt" - 1. Both models are described as being "SPC", but according to other documentation it appears that only one actually is. Correct or clarify, as appropriate. Recommendations - implement if possible and reasonable, to aid end users: In the shape model labels, please add these items: 1. A list of the source images used in deriving the model. (If the list is long, it can be added as a separate data product, or an additional associated file for model product.) 2. A derivation/creation date for the model. 3. Average pixel scales for the input data. 4. Emission and incidence angles for the input data. 5. A brief description for the model that includes at least an order of magnitude indication of the number of vertices and facers in the model table. 6. Camera parameters 7. Surface model description Note also that Nat Bachman's presentation included several suggestions for potential improvements in the DSKs. In the index directory: 1. Consider adding a science index to tabulate search values for the various files included in the data set.