Science Liens
o Field 7 in the data tables is labelled "flux" but units indicate it is
flux density. This also needs to be updated in the collection description.
o Indicate that the aperture over which flux density is measured is
+/-3.7 arcsec orthogonal to offset direction, and +/-0.43 arcsec in the
offset (sunward) direction.
o Incorporate Mike A'Hearn's comments into collection description file and
labels as appropriate. (In particular, item 2.)
o Re-work plot files to remove cut-off and missing numbers. Please also
provide a legend (possibly as a separate file), and orient all plot
pages the same way.
o If possible, provide specific time stamps as appropriate for each offset.
(See Mike A'Hearn's response.)
o Please provide additional information on the plot files. M. DiSanti
After "60x," a description of spectra shown in pox(0-3).pdf is
needed. For example, "Two traces are shown in each panel: the one in
orange is a spectral extract centered on the nucleus (i.e., a
nucleus-centered extract), the one in green is arbitrarily offset
vertically and in wavelength (by 1 Å), and represents the spectrum
extracted 10 arc-second off the nucleus." In addition, the spatial
extent of each spectral extract should be specified here, even if
it’s the full slit length (±3.7arc-sec centered on each position in
the coma).
o pox2.pdf: On p. 1, “x” is missing from scaling in the 3 panels. On p.
2, "12x" shows as "2x", and for "60x", the "6" is cut off on the left.
Note that this is a result of splitting al ong file into separate pages.
The meanings are consistent throughout despite clipping.
o Include Mike A'Hearn's notes on labelling features in the plot labels:
As best I can recall, looking again at the spectra, is that the
purple identifications are firm but the blue ones were an attempt to
see if other species were the right species - some match and some
don’t match observed peaks but none of these identifications is
really firm. The ones labelled ?A and ?B in pox0 are now identified
as prompt emission by OH (the AJ paper).
o In collection_description under "Processing," some information should
be included on wavelength calibration. Although flat-fielding,
solar/16 Cyg B spectra for removal of dust continuum, and scattered
light removal are mentioned, there is nothing on lambda-cal (arc-
lamps, features in sky, solar analog spectra, etc?).
Mike A'Hearn notes:
Over most of the spectral range, the wavelength was calibrated using
exposures on a thorium-argon lamp, with careful matching in the
overlap between orders of the echelon. At the shortest wavelengths
there are not enough lines from the thorium- argon lamp so the
wavelength was calibrated using readily identified cometary emission
lines of OH.
o In collection description and labels, indicate that data were obtained
on the date of closest approach to Earth, so there is no significant
Doppler shift in the cometary OH lines used to calibrate part of the
o In collection.xml: The last reference (A’Hearn, Krishna Swamy, et al)
should be updated since it has now been published. Astron.J. 150, 5.
o In collection_description.txt: several English issues
a. Under Parameters: The data are presented as ascii tables (plural
verb and object), also flux —> flux density
b. Under Ancillary: flux —> flux density
c. Under Spectra: The original spectra are available at KPNO.
PDS4 Standards Liens
o Context objects have not been vetted.
o Citation description is not sufficient.
o This label is poorly formatted and difficult to read.
o The document collection ID is inappropriate (too specific).
o The inventory table includes the collection label.
o The product LIDs listed contain two different collection ID segments
(some have '-', some '_').
o There are four external references listed but no indication is given
for why these references are included.
o Table lines do not consistently end with CR/LF
o Remake this table for the actual collection content
o The Citation description is not sufficient (it must stand alone, it
only makes sense in a directory context as written).
data labels (Example: offset_0_arcsec.xml and table)
? Does it make sense to have Primary Result Summary at this level?
o Collection ID is not consistent (sometimes '-', sometimes '_') from
label to label.
o Primary Result Summary description does not read like propoer English.
o Context objects are not vetted.
o Record length is wrong
o Data table is not fixed-length
o Data table incorrectly includes delimiters between columns.
o Table lines do not consistently end with CR/LF
o Field descriptions are circular.
o Flux unit is incorrectly specified (misspelled).
o Line 21518 needs to be split:
4439.8745 , -1.2303975e-15
4439.9517 , -5.3005169e-154440.0557 , -8.3680622e-15
4440.1338 , -6.4354977e-15
o Doing so requires incrementing 22455 in the .xml
o This document should be in the document collection for the associated
bundle, not here.
o The document title is not sufficiently specific.
o "The value of "First" is inappropriate.
? Perhaps these shouldn't be called/labelled "document". Are they truly
documents, are they a browsing aid, or are they ancillary data?
? Should these four documents be combined into a single PDF?
? I'm not sure it's appropriate to cite a poster in an archival document
as an external reference. No user will ever be able to resolve this
reference to get additional information, which is the purpose of the
Reference_List class. History can be documented elsewhere.
o Because this is being described as part of a "20 ft long poster", the
actual document print dimensions should be stated in the description.
o "First" is not an appropriate .
o These descriptions seem pointless. Even the ones that do contain
actual relevant information are not more informative that the
corresponding context object would be. Recommend they are deleted.
o Context object has not been vetted.
o The actual text file is not appropriate to the title - it refers to
itself as a manual (it is not), and references "this data", which
is contextually inappropriate.