"Unidentified Emission Line" Liens ---------------------------------- Science Liens ------------- o Collection description needs to be expanded, both in terms of content and explaining the history of how the data were collected. (See written comments for details.) o Also need description of correspondence between times and wavelengths, with appropriate error bars. o Consider changing organization or file naming conventions to indicate whether the data are presented in combined format or separated format. o In the collection description document: - Under "Parameters", 'data' should be plural - "Universal Time" should be "Universal date", and some explanation of why time is not known to better than a day should be provided. - Signal-to-noise should be in labels or data files, not here. (Details in M. DiSanti's comments.) For data with two separate files ("Format I"): o In data labels, indicate whether lambda is observed wavelength, or rest wavelength. This would be significant if the 2 decimal places in the value are real precision. o M. DiSanti notes (and this should be resolved): Why are there fields for both Relative Intensity and Brightness? Unless the former is expressed relative to a specific feature (as was done with Swift-Tuttle). Particularly when Brightness field is null -- units such as Rayleighs == 1.E6 photons/s/cm^2 would make sense, as this would correspond to line flux, as in W/m^2 (or erg/s/cm^2). Of course in that case a separate "Flux" field would then be redundant. Maybe the number of fields should be reduced by one? Alternatively B in Rayleighs and line flux in W/m^2 would also be ok. o If possible, replace "equivalent width" with signal to noise. For data with a single file ("Format II"): o Some labels describe UT date as UT time, presumably because the value is only known to the date for some data. If this is a result of trying to use exactly the same field definitions for all files, then that needs to be clearer in the labels. If this data set is not likely to be added to in future, then the descriptions should be appropriate to each data file. o In G-Z label field 9, the description claims the column contains only null values, but this does not appear to be the case in the actual data file. Also, this field should have units. o Geometric parameters should not be null; they are easily calculated (via Horizons, for example). o If and where possible, please include values for flux, signal-to-noise, and equivalent width. o Note that in the Bradfield data there is a format violation in the data table (non-number in ASCII_Real field). This happens in several tables. All need to be examined for this problem. PDS4 Standards Liens -------------------- gbo-mixed ========= o This presentation needs to be completely reorganized and re-LIDded in a manner consistent with the SBN archives. bundle.xml o The Citation description is almost completely inappropriate; though part of this is because the data were formatted as a bundle when they should have been presented as a collection. gbo-mixed:unidentified_emissions -------------------------------- o The collection/bundle ID implies these are unidentified emission lines, but that is not actually stated anywhere I can see in the description fields of the labels. Neither is there any indication of data format (spectral tables vs. plots, for example). o The directory structure seems arbitrary and weird. Similarly for naming conventions. Why are "linear" and "neat" in the same directory, and why not use the distinct IDs for those objects rather than two of the most-repeated object names in the small bodies universe? collection.xml ? Do we need some way to identify ground-based data in, say, Primary Result Summary? In an SBN dictionary class? ? Do we need some way to identify collections based on target type(s) in Primary Result Summary? In an SBN dictionary class? o Inventory table includes the collection label. collection_description.txt o This file contains self-referential time-dependent information that is inappropriate in a file submitted for archiving. data labels/tables (Example: giacobinzinner) o Please change lid_reference urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:individual_investigation.none to urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:individual.none o The data table uses column delimiters inappropriately. Remove them. o Context objects were not requested and have not been vetted. In particular, you absolutely may NOT use "SAO" to refer to the "Special Astrophysical Observatory" at the Russian Academy of Sciences!!!! o External References are cited with no indication as to why. o The record length is wildly incorrect. o The number of records is off by a factor of five. o The data file contains a blank line. o It is not appropriate to give missing constant values in the Table field. o Neither is it appropriate to define a field as "a null value". o No special constants are defined for any of these fields even though many fields clearly use them. o The "Brightness" field in the example label has an invalid (%3.1d). o The stated unit for the "Signal-to-Noise" field is inappropriate. SNR is a unitless value by definition. o A field name of "Equivalent Width" is not consistent with a description of "a measure of line width". And "Ångstrom" is misspelled. unidentified_emissions/emissions/borrelly/borrelly_data.xml o Line 136: element description must have a non-blank value unidentified_emissions/emissions/whipple_fedtke_tevzadze/whipple_fedtke_tevzadze_data.tab o Please replace or remove the tabs