ear-c-kpno-6-pds4-bundle-v1.0 gbo-kpno ======== o Context objects have not been vetted. o bundle.xml - Citation description is not sufficient. - This label is poorly formatted and difficult to read. - The document collection ID is inappropriate (too specific). gbo-kpno:hyakutake_spectra ========================== o collection.xml - The inventory table includes the collection label. - The product LIDs listed contain two different collection ID segments (some have '-', some '_'). - There are four external references listed but no indication is given for why these references are included. o collection_description.txt - There needs to be greater description of the pox(0-3).pdf files in the collection description. In particular the difference between the two lines and the meaning of the labeling for emission features was unclear - Need to include information about wavelength calibration in the collection description. o collection_description.xml - The Citation description is not sufficient (it must stand alone, it only makes sense in a directory context as written). o data labels (Example: offset_0_arcsec.xml and table) ? Does it make sense to have Primary Result Summary at this level? - Field 2 is inaccurately described as flux when it should be flux density or F_lambda. This needs to be changed in the collection_description.txt file and the labels. - The given start and stop times in the label are currently for the entire set of observations. This was unclear to reviewers and either needs to be explained to reviewers with details elsewhere or change the details in the product. - Collection ID is not consistent (sometimes '-', sometimes '_') from label to label. - Primary Result Summary description does not read like proper English. - Context objects are not vetted. - Data table is not fixed-length - Data table incorrectly includes delimiters between columns. - Field descriptions are circular. - Flux unit is incorrectly specified (misspelled). o document/4mechspec.xml - This document should be in the document collection for the associated bundle, not here. - The document title is not sufficiently specific. - "The value of "First" is inappropriate. o document/pox*.xml ? Perhaps these shouldn't be called/labelled "document". Are they truly documents, are they a browsing aid, or are they ancillary data? ? Should these four documents be combined into a single PDF? ? I'm not sure it's appropriate to cite a poster in an archival document as an external reference. No user will ever be able to resolve this reference to get additional information, which is the purpose of the Reference_List class. History can be documented elsewhere. - pox2.pdf: On p. 1, “x” is missing from scaling in the 3 panels. On p. 2, "12x" shows as "2x", and for "60x", the "6" is cut off on the left. - Because this is being described as part of a "20 ft long poster", the actual document print dimensions should be stated in the description. - "First" is not an appropriate . gbo-kpno:document ================= o These descriptions seem pointless. Even the ones that do contain actual relevant information are not more informative that the corresponding context object would be. Recommend they are deleted. o collection.xml - Context object has not been vetted. o echspec_description.xml - The actual text file is not appropriate to the title - it refers to itself as a manual (it is not), and references "this data", which is contextually inappropriate.